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Europe's first ever Tippmann Challenge Official Event Launch


Jun 26, 2010
Yo was my first big game and I had a great time as did my friends, who had a great time, you may have seen me I was the guy with red sleeves and a tippman98 with a 16" barrel =D

Just wondering has anyone seen any photos yet or know where I can get them/ purchase them as I forgot to pay for them on the day =(


Jun 26, 2010
Was that the only company that was there?

Cause there doesn`t seem to be many photos from other areas of the map, there all mainly from the church field =l


Was one of the best games iv been to for a while i must say. game design and execution was spot on and kept most people moving all day. Only thing i wasn’t mad on was the black and green tshirts, not the easiest to tell apart at range but still a really good day


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Good points

Well what a weekend. The good thing was i just had enough energy to play Sunday after all day drinking Saturday (i did have to lay down sometimes in the bushes to get my energy back lol). My mate on the other hand bought 4000 paintballs for the Sunday game and used about 100 before he gave up as he was going to throw up in his mask lol.

Allot of fill stations and only max 5 mins waiting.

The quality of the stores there. I nearly bought a pump off the tippmann stand. I spent to much money on the BZ stand and the cheap shop (sorry not sure of the name) i bought a set of dye pad for my wifes little bro (which he has not taken off yet lol)

Player pack with lots of info which i had to give GBH as they had one of the black and white ones off the reg desk. After 10 mins didn't need the map anyway as i knew where the respawn point were.

Running into the IMB respawn to take it on my own. For 1 min before getting shot as i ran out lol.

Cooking burgers in fosters (forgot the cooking oil).

Making some new mates and having a laugh.

Not getting cut as i was stood 4 foot away from tim when the bomb went off in the church (There was also a marshal stood next to him). Which was on top of a metal sheet on the roof. It dented the sheet about 4-5 inch which in turn blew the floor away and then covered all 3 of us in sharp wood. Was just lucky that metal only dinted as that would have caused even more injuries if that would have been flying all over the place.

Bad points

Cooking bacon in fosters (forgot the cooking oil) does not taste good.

My mate snoring and keeping half the camp awake.

One of the biggest problems i had was the tac vests people were wearing as i didn't know what team people where on. I ran into one guy and i shouted i'm GSS so he didn't shoot me. He still ended up shooting me as he was IMB and had a black tac vest over his green shirt and i only noticed the sleeves once he moved out the bushes. Same problem with the GSS as i was in a gun fight for about 10 mins then found out it was a gss wearing a green tac vest lol

At one point someone did shoot me and i shouted i'm out but then the 4 guys next to me told me that it hit the tree to my side and it was just large amount of spray. So someone might have saw me wiping that off with a yellow or pink cloth (i used this to point out i was wiping the spay off). I hate cheating and i never cheat so i thought i would just clear that up.

Getting to a respawn just to find out IMB had taken it over and the long walk to the next one.

Rain as i was talking the tents down.

A top weekend and can't wait for the next one. I'm sure now the problems that people saw will be ironed out for the next one and i hope tim won't be left with a battle scare


At one point someone did shoot me and i shouted i'm out but then the 4 guys next to me told me that it hit the tree to my side and it was just large amount of spray. So someone might have saw me wiping that off with a yellow or pink cloth (i used this to point out i was wiping the spay off). I hate cheating and i never cheat so i thought i would just clear that up.
unless your 100% certain your out - don't call yourself out.

check first, or get a mate next to you to check.

you call yourself out, your out, end of. even if your were on our side :p

great weekend folks.

too much alcohol, not enough paint shot.

thanks to all the supporting teams in all of our factions.
GBH - you guys were awesome.
Penguins - enough said!
Rebels - Top stuff guys.

timboy - cheers again man, and next time...... duck!!

Random Invert

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2008
N.Wales - Wrexham
I was disappointed with this game (first time I've been disappointed with a shorline event)

1) limited traders for a big game,
2) air stations were slow (very slow)
3) routes weren't clearly marked or taped off, at one point we were almost in the car park, another point was people crossing live gaming areas without a mask because they were going to the tent.
4) Couldnt seem to find a decent fire fight once it had gone 12 o'clock? Had IMB gone for an extended lunch?

Such a shame for what could have been an amazing event.


Active Member
Jul 1, 2009
3) routes weren't clearly marked or taped off, at one point we were almost in the car park, another point was people crossing live gaming areas without a mask because they were going to the tent.
I saw someone do that. Most people had the sense to pack up but Shoreline shoulda made sure to kick us out of that field in the morning.