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Europe's first ever Tippmann Challenge Official Event Launch


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Aye - good solid event. Some things that can be improved on for the future - but all in all there'll not be an event this year that will come close to providing that level of value for 45 quid.

The Tippmann Challenge will be back next year bigger and better - promise you that!
Does that mean your going to put more blood and sweat into this one? lol sorry just had to say it


you did indeed get the point...... lol!

sorry - couldn't resist.

anyway, a final note on this from me.

there has been a few moans and groans on this event on another forum, mostly from a single source, but a few others too. to be honest for an event of around 400 people, those that are complaining barely make around 1%.

to achieve what would be near 99% customer satisfaction is pretty good going!

now on to stargate, and more of the same!!


Goldfish69 Photography
I was disappointed with this game (first time I've been disappointed with a shorline event)

1) limited traders for a big game,
2) air stations were slow (very slow)
3) routes weren't clearly marked or taped off, at one point we were almost in the car park, another point was people crossing live gaming areas without a mask because they were going to the tent.
Difficult to please everyone I'm afraid - over 2 forums I have seen about 3 out of 300 posts like this. Seems like a fairly good ratio to have ;)

1) As it happens, originally the game was only suppossed to be a 1 day event, which crept into a day + evening camping event, which turned into a one and a half day event, then progressed in the last few days prior to the game into was was essentially a 2 day event. I think having the choice of 4 paintball tradestands a cake stand and a Tippmann Tech tent was'nt really bad considering. I don't know how many stands attend other 'big-games', but the attendance numbers grew rather rapidly to turn this into the 3rd biggest event of the year.

Given it was a new event and no one knew what the turn out would be like, it's not suprising that only 4 (actually it is suprising tbh) traders decided to put some faith into it and attend. I think you're lucky you got that many really and if anything you should be rather happy about it ! I'm sure more will attend next year now the word is out about the Tippmann Challenge.

2) Really ? Again, most folks understand that having a slow fill is the safest way to fill a bottle and at an event like this safety is paramount. Yeah it may have taken upto 30 seconds to fill an empty THREE THOUSAND psi bottle, with a (let's be honest) very small queue of people to maybe wait behind ... occasionally, but that was one part of the whole event that would never be rushed for any reason. If a small wait like is going to ruin your event, may I suggest investing in some Scuba tanks and a fill rig at a couple of hundred quid and you'll never really have to wait again ... at any event ! (Added bonus of making it quicker for others as they won't have to queue behind you ;) )

The above is a slightly light hearted take on the situation. I think very few people really had any issues with the air or wait times. Don't forget most big games will have 100 or so people to fill up through out the day. You had 4 times that many and really the difference between wait times was negligible at best.

3) I'd agree 50/50 with you on that one. Taping and boundaries were poorly done in some areas, leading to confusion at times - something that should have been done and double checked by someone before the event start. But, sure as hell you won't have that problem next time ! Live and learn...

However who on earth tries to cross a game field, a potential game field ... infact anywhere on a paintball site that is NOT a safezone without a mask ? There was one designated proper safe zone for the site - taped off, netted off, signed off and pointed out to everyone - that was the basecamp / carpark / trading area. EVERYWHERE ELSE you should really consider a non safe area when games are in progress. I think a mix of common sense, more explanations in briefings and more shouting will easily cure that situation however.

Not picking on this post in particular, it's just a few good concerns were raised and I thought merited a response.

There are things that can be improved upon for next time for sure. There are things that will be done completely differently - goes without saying really. First Time event, bound to be a couple of minor teething problems. I think overall however, a resounding success due to the site, organistation, marshalls and of course all the players that came !

Random Invert

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2008
N.Wales - Wrexham
Difficult to please everyone I'm afraid - over 2 forums I have seen about 3 out of 300 posts like this. Seems like a fairly good ratio to have ;)
completely agree with you on the most part, I was being picky with the traders because none had a yellow flex 7 lense or any 50cal paint! lol

the air fill for me was a nightmare, more like 5 minute fills (but the alternative h-pac is expensive for an event of this size, is it £5 per player?)

I can't knock the rest of the event, IMBs lack of fight is down to IMB (was tempted to swap sides at one point just so I could get into a decent skirmish!)

And as you say people wondering around with out masks is a common sense issue.


Goldfish69 Photography
I do sympathise on a 5 minute wait, but I'd consider you very unlucky on that - unless you just have a slow filling bottle of course !

Yes, H-Pac would have been an option, but as you very rightly point out would have cost more and would have certainly increased the ticket price by a fairly large factor ... which would have put some players off ... which might have reduced the numbers to a point where H-Pac would not have been needed .. lol ! It's always fairly difficult gauging how much / what capacity of air is needed.

Dude ! Next time, shout on the forums that you want someone to bring down the stuff you are after ... someone will poke a trader about it I'm sure. Failing that call the host directly who may even be able to help.

Seriously though, I hope you had a good enough time to forgive the odd slip here and there and to want to come next time ! Will be longer, bigger and better, that you can be sure on.

Blue Beanie

I <3 Summer!!!!!
Dec 27, 2009
Does that mean your going to put more blood and sweat into this one? lol sorry just had to say it
what happened to him. i was there but i didn't see anything happen plz tell me. and i believe that the marshalls shouls have had a bit more of an idea of what was happening or if i had any game related questions they hadn't the fogiest idea, but there calls where mostly good and they weren't afraid of running in and checking.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
what happened to him. i was there but i didn't see anything happen plz tell me. and i believe that the marshalls shouls have had a bit more of an idea of what was happening or if i had any game related questions they hadn't the fogiest idea, but there calls where mostly good and they weren't afraid of running in and checking.

From what I can gather, one of the charges on the top of church went off causing a bit of the ceiling to fall and hit him... i'm not to sure tho, because there was a guy who walked past me holding his hand, which looked quite burned...was that the same incedent?

And as far as the marshals go, it was said on the day, they were there simply for our safety, they did paint checks where possible but (as was said in the breif) they wer'nt there to dish out game info.. thats what your desk was for....so the marshals wur pretty damn good.