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London Riots


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
Jesus Christ, I leave the country for a week and ll fuxking hell breaks loose. What ****ers, though. It's awful watching he places you visit at home getting fuxked over for a few measly items. Commodity fetishism at it's best, one guy now has a record for stealing 20 quids worth of snacks. Sucker.

On the plus side, it's nice to see that Missy has an avatar.
Jun 11, 2008
This made me chuckle in a serves you right kinda way.


Bet it fails in the courts.
The final decision will be made by a judge and politicians know they judges will be struggling to justify kicking out the mother for the sons actions.
It's a win win for politicians. If she's kicked out they will claim the credit, if she stays it's another excuse to bash the justice system and human rights act.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
So this positions the police so that they can ask for new laws to be passed that remove the risk of litigation for roughing up 'the public'. Right now everyone thinks that's a good thing, and for good reason. However, I wonder if the cops are purposely stalling their actions in order to further public outcry, and get some protective legislation passed, which would no doubt help them in the future...
These are potentially prophetic words.
Jun 11, 2008
Yeah! Let's make them homeless! That'll make them less aggressive... Wait...

Anybody else see the inherent lobsided justice in this? So if you are a looter and live in a rented council house, you get punished more than one that lives in a house that's bought... Right.
Jay, the problem is that all reasonable discussion has gone and now it's all about getting even.

Unsurprisingly this has been fuelled by the press and any discussions regarding underlying issues that may have contibuted to this are dismissed as liberal rhetoric.

The thought that this could have started as organised crime or been promoted by our 'must have' society doesn't really hit the radar. Anybody indicating the growth in gang culture is hung out to dry.

Your spot on with your observation in that those with least seem to be getting punished the most. The surprising thing for me is the number of so called role models who have indulged in this moment of madness - doctors, teachers, olympic athletes, soldiers etc.