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Midlands Masters Who Got Hoppers Broken by Paint

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the only magic moo
Aug 11, 2003
well said, except maybe the a bigger concern on the masks withstanding the paint is the psyical impact on the player if they get mugged
to true my fellow baller im glad to see that somone understands the aproche im taking and that its just not wasted on mindless idiots!!!!!!! cheers sumo :)


Feb 20, 2005
East Coast
i personnally think it is downright irresponsible to use unsafe paint.

ours broke on contact 9 out of 10 times, and went thru our guns great.

there is no excuse using crap hard paint in a tourney, fair enuff use it in your own practice, but in a tourney, its just silly.

at the end of the day, it costs only a few quid less to use it, and wont break on impact, so u shoot more, why not spend a few quid more, and shoot less.

i beleive johnny and loz, when they say it wasnt there's, as i didnt see any probs during there matches i watched

Big Mac

My Custom User Title
Oct 19, 2006
thats not the point!!!!!!! IS THE PAINT SAFE IF IT CAN SHOOT THROUGH HOPPERS.................HOW BAOUT I SHOOT YOU IN THE BOLLOX WITH IT AND TELL ME HOW SAFE YOU THINK IT IS THEN.....stop beeing so padantic!!!!!!!!!!:)

did it actually break holes in hoppers - i know the one on our team was already there. the others on our team were just cracks on well known weak spots on reloaders and halo. - the feedneck and joins!

as for the guy who wanted to see the hole - the guy does not have internet access at the moment due to moving house - but the hole was already there hence there being to screw at that particular point. If it hadn't been in the heat of the moment and the refs running round like wild fire. if they had explained immediately or asked if it had just been done, then we could have told them.

but that aside - nice one to the ref on field 1 for wiping the paint off and discovering it. its nice to know that they were doing their jobs thoroughly. and again nice to know they were observant - one ref remembered seeing the hole or crack or whatever earlier in a previous game.


Rebellion Captain
Jul 18, 2006
Syston Leicestershire
did it actually break holes in hoppers - i know the one on our team was already there. the others on our team were just cracks on well known weak spots on reloaders and halo. - the feedneck and joins!

as for the guy who wanted to see the whole - the guy does not have internet access at the moment due to moving house - but the hole was already there hence there being to screw at that particular point. If it hadn't been in the heat of the moment and the refs running round like wild fire. if they had explained then we could have told them.
Did we play you?


Rebellion Captain
Jul 18, 2006
Syston Leicestershire

As i thought we DID NOT PLAY ANY OF THE TEAMS ON THIS THREAD (except the angels who we beat in less than 1 min!) & they never complained of any pain (excet the one i shot in the arse hole:D ) she signed the sheet and we had a laugh about it

NO body come up to me as the captin and complained at the end of any game:rolleyes: if somebody broke my hopper they would have been told !!!!!:mad:

Big Mac

My Custom User Title
Oct 19, 2006
div 3 sumo - weren't you complaining of pain after?

and solo - i only keep going on about the hopper on my team cos it was made slightly worse but also the fact that nobody else has mentioned they had a broken hopper or anyone on their team had one - so i assumed when someone asked to see a pic they were reffering to the guy from the team i play with
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