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The inevitable Zombie apocalypse thread


Jul 27, 2014
Hi there,

I understand that this is slowing down thread, and I have only read about 5 of the pages.

But I am concerned that the type of zombie has not been considered. Now out of all the types of zomhies in the films you have a basic set of 3: fast/sick humans: return from the dead slow things: and the brought back to the dead super zombies with power (spitting acid etc). So do you have different survival plans? Or do you think one plan would work for anything?

Understandably the other survivors could be a large problem, but the first 24 hours must be confusing. At what point do you go into survival mode and not "the army willbe here soon" mode? At the start there will be reports on tv "there are reports of humans literally eating people, andy in the helicopter for more information", then possibly evacuation orders etc. What if they evacuate you from your area.

Justremember guys you wouldnt be starting the zombie apocalypse 28 days after it begins.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2013
Milton Keynes
The thing is, in the films every single time that there is something that can cause zombies, it will spread fast and impossible to be contained. In real life, orders will be issued and clearance executed, dealing with infected and, as when you remove a tumor, the surrounding healthy tissues.


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
The prepared know what to look for.
The prepared will not need to mob the stores or worry about supplies.
The basic mantra is to make your existing home as zombie-secure as possible, so that you don't have to make any hasty decisions. You have a minimum of 2 bug-out sites. Today's wildlife camera's will monitor the sites and text you images of any movement they detect. That is you will know in advance if your sites are compromised.
Personally I would stay off the streets, locked indoors, for a week before making my move. I have a guy with a plane. 6 setas. Enough for 4 guys with full kit.


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
And super-powered acid-spitting zombies?
Come on now, that's not very realistic...

and anyway, real Zombies will look like undernourished chavs. because that's likely to be exactly what they are. The term Zombie is the ultimate PC reference, because it's deemed bad-form to talk about the mass-killing of actual sectors of society.
EG. The London/UK riots were a miniature outbreak of zombie apocalypse, in my world. When something like that happens on a larger scale, and the police/armed forces can't cope, we will be left to defend our homes and property ourselves.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2013
Milton Keynes
Then we are not talking about zombies, but about thinking people trying to kill, steal and mess, and probably in small and medium groups. Defences against this is completely different than against some semi-dumb zombies, or individual threats.

And super-powered acid-spitting zombies?
Come on now, that's not very realistic...

and anyway, real Zombies will look like undernourished chavs. because that's likely to be exactly what they are. The term Zombie is the ultimate PC reference, because it's deemed bad-form to talk about the mass-killing of actual sectors of society.
EG. The London/UK riots were a miniature outbreak of zombie apocalypse, in my world. When something like that happens on a larger scale, and the police/armed forces can't cope, we will be left to defend our homes and property ourselves.