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Venue for UK Masters 2007


Northern Heroes #03
Sep 3, 2003
Carlisle UK
uniquep1 said:
Then come up on sat morning and camp take a day off lol also eric you may not have noticed but its a theme park if you make the trip ill gladly hold ure hand on the rollercoaster ride if yure a bit frightened ;) how much closer to the centre of the uk do yo want a site to be it should be fair for every1, I mean cools as ice travel from cornwall i dont see them complainin and there trip is 6 hours
Its the same for us but from the north. An us an cool as ice b*tch all the time (not about the travel just usually to each other about nothing really) all good fun :D

The Dead Box

New Member
Dec 9, 2005
cityking said:
the welsh open is really a once a year venue i think due to the prep which has to go in it. All the netting needs erecting before play can take place. Now after helping drop it last year and also setting up kettering I know how much effort it takes..
The Welsh Open is a once a year event but Marchweil was also a spring venue for the Masters til some d!ckheads spoilt it for the rest of us


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
Jasper said:
Its the same for us but from the north. An us an cool as ice b*tch all the time (not about the travel just usually to each other about nothing really) all good fun :D

you bitch ;)

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
uniquep1 said:
eric you may not have noticed but its a theme park if you make the trip ill gladly hold ure hand on the rollercoaster ride if yure a bit frightened ;)
Frightened no petrified more like :eek:
To get me on one of those rides would cost you free paint for the year. :D
Then you would still have to drag me on and stop me getting out before it set off :mad:
Finally you would better find somewhere to hide, coz when I finally recover from the ordeal :eek:


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2002
Lovetone said:
i played the 3 man there at xmas time and it was well cool :)
It is cool ish, I've played there for 4 yrs...it's not so bad except when it's raining badly & the mud makes it difficult, the gazebo over the setup area leaks, or used to leak (not sure if it does now?), and getting up that hill to the last 3 fields isn't great in the mud. BUT since Wendy changed the layout somewhat it's been loads better. Can't remember how it used to be :p, but it wasn't as good. Every time we play there they solve another problem & make the site better. The stage is a good feature.
The fields aren't all perfectly flat, as someone mentioned, but not to the extent where I feel I've ever lost a game purely because of the slight slant, and it's swings & roundabouts; it's likely you'll play both ends on most of the fields. Uttox, good times! (and closer to us than Lincoln ;))

Lincoln's flat & the grass it good, good parking, but 2hrs 20 from us.

Wrexham is a fantastic site, but not, I think, useable all year round.
We used to use Leicester & Nottingham Skirmish didn't we (tho am I confused, was this Bullies?), those were great sites- particularly Leicester. -Maybe better than Lincoln as it had that setup area already.

I think we need a site in the South ;).

Peace, x.

phil alpha1

Active Member
Dec 8, 2005
Rosie said:
I think we need a site in the South ;).

i do as well as it takes us all most 4hrs to get to lincoln and 3 hrs to get to uttoxeter

but i still think its worth it to play with all you guys at the masters, we could play right down south in exeter that would only takes just over 2hrs for us to get there but as i say the atmospher in the the masters is great and we wouldnt wont to play anywere else.

Steve Hancock

Free man!
Aug 7, 2003
Birmingham (UK)
All the fuss about having to travel. Brum uni did a 9 hour (each way) trip up to aberdeen uni. And that was just for a friendly scrimage. Some times the road trip adds to the fun. Of course, there are people who's committments make such jollies impractical.


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2004
stop moaning about travelling, jerseys alot further yet we sort the time out and get to england and play :D , its all part of paintball, and i agree making a slight site change from one round to the next would be good

Still, you gotta love lincolns lush flat fields ;)