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Views on the first leg of the PA league / Chelsea tributes


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
I would guess if someone played on with obvious hits and eliminated players that

a. He would be pulled and get a -25 penalty.

b. the players would be wiped down and put back in the game?

Or am I missing something?


F*ck Those Guys
Jul 6, 2001
see on the subject for the 1-4-1 issue / penatly points, what is easier to understand from the crowd points of view? how am i supposed to know that one team got penalty pointed and that one team didnt? it is often more clear to see someone get 1-4-1'd and the specators can boo / cheer accordingly if they thought it was a wrong call or whatever, like in xball the crowd now when a penatly has been placed as a player has to go in the bin... but with points as they get put on after the game all the crowd will see is who won they wont see the scores.

are you using the penatly points as its easier to see the scores on tv perhaps?

i know you have your reasons as for why you are using them just wondering why?

just my 2 cents


New Member
Mar 13, 2004
Visit site
i know he would be eliminated (for getting shot)
the person who was shot by that player would be wiped down and told to play on
but im not sure what the penalty points are (proberly 'playing on points')


Hello again
Jul 9, 2001
Wherever I may roam
What gun rule did they use?

Capped ramping?
Semi only?

where the new ref devices used?

How effective was the checking, for whatever rule was used in the end.

If it wasn't semi, what happened to the ramping idea? where is it with the lawyers / courts / parliment etc.


doin' other stuffs
Jul 6, 2001
need to get hold of Tank for an exit
The gun rules currently in use at the PA are the same as last year, uncapped semi only.

According to a post I've seen on the PA forums the rule has been approved by the HO, and now the PA are working out the best way to bring in the rule from the points of view of the players, the manufacturers, and the PA.

Personally I say if it's been approved, then bring it in immediately. Then again, I would, I've already got the Musashi 3 chip for my matrix :D

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
Originally posted by sykesg
I'm all in favour of 1 4 1
Whether you are in favour or not this, league does not and as far as i remember never has played that rule. I actually prefer the 1 - 4 - 1 but then I like the 321 scoring the Millennium events are thinking of using.
Abide by and play by the rules of the tournament organiser.
I assume you guys came to play and to win, but obviously did not read the rules. Now you know the rules get out there and do what you do best playing and winning.


weekend warrior
Aug 6, 2003
Originally posted by Parksy
I would guess if someone played on with obvious hits and eliminated players that

a. He would be pulled and get a -25 penalty.

b. the players would be wiped down and put back in the game?

Or am I missing something?

sorry m8,but when i played the PA last year,this happened to me on a few occasions and was not wiped down and put back in after the opposition player was caught playin on after shooting me and/or my team mates,and when i told the marshall what had happened i was told to get off the field or be penalty pointed,but nothing happened to the opposing player or team,so where is the logic in the 'no 1-4-1 rule in the PA'?