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Automag yeah baby yeah!
Oct 7, 2005
Excellent weekend. Loved every minute of it. Well done as usual to Bully for the site and facilities, Gillie and Andy Hatton for the scenario and all of the refs and helpers, too many to mention but we know who you are and we appreciate the effort you put in to make this game happen for us each year. I've been to the last 5 UKPSF events and they never fail to impress.

If you missed it this year...SUCKER!! You now have 12 months to regret it! :p

PS: I escaped relatively unscathed this year. I've very few welts... and very few burns ;)

Gupps thanks for the extra paint at the end i needed it lol.Super weekend and a great buch of peeps.:D


New Member
Dec 28, 2005
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only played as one of the original replicators with Brian the Killer, that was so much fun.

Man behind tree "oo big bunch of people to shoot at (pop pop)"

Replicator Leader (points his twin barrelled mini gun over to tree and ushers all other replicators to fire on the tree)

(large firefight commenses for about 5 seconds)

Replicator Leader "join us now, you have been replicated"

Lit up more like :D
hehe i also had an incounter with you lot...just by the Pyramid i saw a big bunch of guys waking they all turned at me and the firefight started i lasted untill i could not see...was great laugh :D
Weekend was great main game was awsome!!
Only one thing i could say is at the pyramid and i dont blame the other side for doing it as they had to hold it ...they were right on top of are spawn and picking anyone that came out...maybe for next year the spawn could be altered

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
Well I have never wanted to play this type of event but the number of smiles on the players face's was only surpassed by the number of paintballs in the air at the final battle for the stargate when I was between both factions checking for dodgy guns so I may get round to sample what a lot of people on the day told me I should.
Speaking of "dodgy guns" I found too many set up not in keeping with the rules of the day and I am sure the big game organisers out there will have to provide a solution to make it fair for everyone, you do not need ramp modes activated for an event like Staargate, and I was on the human side of the field most of the day and they lost by a few thousand points and with a few hundred points penalty for each gun I found it could have been the difference.
As for the game format, with the game organisers behind the UKPSF games (Andy and Gillie Hatton and Steve Bull) it was only going to be good, and anything that could let it down would not be game related.
Perhaps they should be badgered to do a massive game for next year to break all the records, a thousand player game has a nice ring to it, dont you think.:)



Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2001
Rochdale UK

Short post - fuller one later in the week

Big thank you to ALL involved in playing, setting up, marshalling, donating prizes etc................................ from the Kenny's organising crew

To all the first timers - Now you know what Kenny's crew can do make sure you book early for 2007 !!!

Issues will be addressed - I have spoken to the farmer today and he will allow us to set up a toilet block in the camping area and allow us to put a skip or two in the camping area (I moved 2 trailer loads and Biscuit moved 3 loads today - not a compliant it is our job - but a big thank you to all campers - it was made easy by bagging all the cans and bottles !!!)

I recon there was twice as many camping this year as last year !!

Catering - nothing need be said - I put all complaints to the catering company and told them "If they had listened to me when I booked them they would have been several thousand pounds better off and the players would have had food and drink ALL day (both days) which is what I thought catering companies did !!! The food was good but if you want to try it again you better look for the vans on some industrial estate as you wont find them at Kenny's 7 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I have assumed that players want a Kenny's 7 and want to use Wakefield again ?????




Feb 19, 2003
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Sorry I have assumed that players want a Kenny's 7 and want to use Wakefield again ?????
Yes to Kenny's 7 - but although Wakefield is a lovely site, it's a bit far for us southern jessie shandy drinkers. (Yep, I can hear the violins...) It really is a hideous journey, and most of us would prefer the Birmingham area again.

However, if we have to travel that far Oop North for next year, I think we are going to plan something around minibuses, trailers and an extra night's stay before attempting the M1/M25 (not that we've already booked time off work already next year or anything...!!! ) :D


If in doubt, flat out!
Jul 11, 2006
Wakefield, West Yorks.
Yes to Kenny's 7 - but although Wakefield is a lovely site, it's a bit far for us southern jessie shandy drinkers. (Yep, I can hear the violins...) It really is a hideous journey, and most of us would prefer the Birmingham area again.
well wakefield is actually about in the middle of the uk, so whether your come from the south or the north theres no bias.


Free the Bracknell 7
Oct 14, 2002
Berkshire, UK
Roll-on Kenny 2007

Just wanted to say I hope you do it again next year. I drove up from Berkshire on the Sunday morning (leaving at 04:00) and got back around 22:30

Had no problems with the drive, okay it wasn't very exciting, but well worth the effort.



Kent Rangers
Apr 22, 2006
Yes to Kenny's 7 - but although Wakefield is a lovely site, it's a bit far for us southern jessie shandy drinkers. (Yep, I can hear the violins...) It really is a hideous journey, and most of us would prefer the Birmingham area again.

However, if we have to travel that far Oop North for next year, I think we are going to plan something around minibuses, trailers and an extra night's stay before attempting the M1/M25 (not that we've already booked time off work already next year or anything...!!! ) :D
I came up from Canterbury via London and didn't find it too bad as its a no brainer journey - A2/M2 M25, M1 then site despite the myriad roadworks. Wouldn't have fancied doing 600 mile round trip in one day, but staying in one of the local recommended hotels made a weekend of it and made it much less tiring. Cost of hotel worked out about £21 a head, which is pretty good value. Nearby pub serving reasonable food made it nice and social from a team perspective.

Was my first trip to Wakefield, and will definitely be up for next year if there is a Kenny's 7.

Thanks to everyone who helped organise it.

BTW - I thought the t-shirts were a great idea, but it would be easier if there were more distinct colours - there was a blue faction on human side and a darker blue faction on alien side. It was pretty tricky from distance or in the scrub trying to work out who was who. Would be easier if colours were more distinct between sides i.e. if there were 2 factions on alien wearing 2 different blues, and two on human wearing shades or green then that would have been fine.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2006
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in fairness bird wakefield was picked so that it would be equal distance for you southern fairys :D and for the scottish hoards to decend on our fair country in thier droves:eek: ,but also because it is one of the best scenario sites in the country if not the best (biased view i work there :rolleyes: ).I can garuntee one thing though at wakey what every it takes to make it better will be done ,if you have a valid point about the site bully will alter it for next year as it is his site . I know for a fact that things are being altered for next year if it is at wakey like more toilets but in the camping area as well, plus skips for rubbish new features and definatly better catering:p


Feb 19, 2003
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I have no probs with the Wakefield site (apart from no running water - how is a girl meant to wash her hands?! ), but having done five of the last six Kenny's, I prefer the journey to Birmingham. Good on those that travelled further than us.

I agree Wakefield is an awesome site. I loved the effort that went into making the strobing/smoking Staargate! However, I think it was marginally easier for us on the blue armband side to get to the Staargate as it was right next to our base. Would it make it more fair to everyone for it to be slap bang in the middle? (Or maybe it was, I got a bit disorientated and didn't care where I went so long as it was a target rich environment! ) :D