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Your best moments of The Big Game!


Active Member
Jul 10, 2006
Preston, Lancashire
Actually, I started playing woodland paintball in 87 and won a lot of tourneys that were held in the woods with NWC and Shockwave (my brother started NWC and went on to start Shades of Grey and I went on to start Shockwave) and it wasn't until about 98 that we begun coming out of the woods into arena based paintball and even then, there were a couple of years overlap between formats.
And so my point is this mate, I'm still the real Robbo in both formats coz I won world championships in both formats :)

Hee hee :)
haha my time will come! only been going over a year:p

it's all about having fun! gutted we didn't meet in battle! robbo v robbo, would of been fun:p
The massive firefight at the end (at cape town i think it was) when ledz and robbo were both up there, robbo gave a speech and then we all went for it trying to take the base, (theres no way the amount of paint we put in that base no one was getting hit??..) legging it in there, getting killed coming back, getting a medic to spawn us, and going back in for it, then running out of air and paint! doh!

We were all left cowering behind the netting and piled upon one another with the amount of paint coming in at us within the last moments of the day! Wow what noise. I can't remember the lads name who was sat next to me, but we just kept pushing you back over and over, and yet you still came rushing at us with that mad look in your eyes! What the hell came over you all:eek:

PS. To that lad i was with, well played mate, and how long until you swap out your A5 for an Ego now :)


The Lucky 15s
Aug 8, 2006
West Mids
I was reffing, but my two favorite moments to watch were the first ten min of the game down between MI6 and KGB HQ with the 1000 people fire fight, The part where the North went on a massive man charge right the way across to the MI6 base and where then push all the way back to the KGB base about lunch time. (with ambulance driving through the middle of the fire fight)

and finally. the last half hour of the game at cape town?? (the top base that was worth 1000 points) Bham uni, The SPC and others pushing up all the way across from moscow, up to the road taking that then taking cape town slowly, Bloke from SPC then runs into the base takes the whole lot by himself. North then hold the base as the entire south attempt to take it. Jesus the noise of so many markers firing was awesome. South end up gettting picked off peice by peice until the north reinforcments came and squeezed them between cape town and the top of the feild. I think by the end it was 2 guys from aberdeen Uni and 5 or 6 guys from Bham uni and a few SPC guys holding out against the entire southern hoard.

Truly awesome guys.
I was part of this :D was funny and scary at the same time, everyone was just firing like crazy


Jun 8, 2006
north: me and my mate Ferra where on the left of the Cape Town in the final minuts trying to hold on the thin line so that the city wouldn't be flanked, with the excelent help of spc lads i think!

I've run out of paintballs and left for cover leaving ferra on the south team's side of the field/road. When i stopped and look at a massive push by the south team I said by radio to him: "stay down, please stay downnnnnn, please don't shoot...hold.... hold.... NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW SHOT SHOT SHOT" when he got up there where a bunch of southern players shooting the city, leaving him on their right side, having a blast until the end of is hooper :)

best of best, playing in the best big game in europe, seeing old friends and meeting new friends, having so much fun :)


Ambassador of BOING!
Lol laughed at the bit about the guy having his grenade bounce back at him :D
Shoulda been there to see it, was a comedy classic, I was going to mention it but Blade got in b4 me!

Excellent event, excellent people, excellent organisation...what more can be said. As a supair player wanting to get back to the fun aspect of paintball Robbo's words at the trailer and on here ring true, smiles all round.:D


Jan 23, 2006
Visit site
Fav moments were the north headed by the joint university task force running from the game start and capturing capetown pretty much without a fight and pushing onto rio when we linked up with the rest of the north who had just taken jakarta.

The fighting between london and moscow all day was pretty spectacular but in the afternoon the several northern pushes to take the city.

In the afternoon in the group with ledz at the front nearly taking rio but almost getting surrounded and destroyed before we ran back to cape town

Marcus Geezer

Platinum Member
South Yeah!

The massive firefight at the end (at cape town i think it was) when ledz and robbo were both up there, robbo gave a speech and then we all went for it trying to take the base, (theres no way the amount of paint we put in that base no one was getting hit??..)
Had a great day, but was a bit dismayed at Cape Town. Have to agree that their was no way with the amount of paint being thrown that no-one was getting hit. Well done to the North for winning, but maybe it would have been different if you had actually played by the rules... i.e. your hit your out... not your hit.. oh well carry on becos this bit is important to stay in....

Oh well.... good day regardless....

Best bits of the day..

The North trying to get the fattest slowest bloke to mug me whilst I was holed up in a important bunker outside Moscow and giving the Northerners hell ...

A group of us doing a big sweep and clear at the top woods mid afternoon and removing every single Northerner from the woods.

The firefight at London and then Cape Town at the end. Mental.

Well done to Warped for a great day. Deffo going next year.


warped player
Aug 9, 2005
best bit of the day for me has to be a whole 30 min section of the day after compleating a midday uplink in rio with help from a mixed squad and a dead hopper we headed down to our hq with the info walking casually down the main path past london looked round only to see 2 solid rows of northeners at the cross road fighting towards our Hq and then proceeding to light about 20 of them up!!!

o and btw south

also the freight train when robbo led the whole of the 20 man chaos squad down the bottom tape towards the northern hq and pretty much cleard the north compeatly from the area :) :D


I think by the end it was 2 guys from aberdeen Uni and 5 or 6 guys from Bham uni and a few SPC guys holding out against the entire southern hoard.

Truly awesome guys.
don't forget the guys from the militia - we were up there at the end too. i even took out a guy pushing along near the top boundary with the remaining 4 balls in my hopper......