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When is "too much?"


Feb 14, 2010
Of course glorifing war (especially in the eyes of children) is not good.
Although, airsoft is more 'realistic', paintball can still be said to be glorifing war....As alot of my teachers say to me.
I also get asked alot if I want to join the army when I'm older, just because I play paintball.
I think the negative stereotype of paintball/airsoft is glorifing war should be lifted. However, glorifing it to children is not 'bad', but it's not right.
(I understand that, yes, I am a child.....But that's not the point ^_^)


Anglian Pro

New Member
Sep 9, 2011
Thanks for your posts.

I'm not against it, If anything I enjoy seeing everyones loadouts and seeing what they like, it's alot more fun that site issued equipment, everyone just runnning around in a boring old U.S Camo jumpsuit with a T-98, I just think wearing real insignias and medals is too far, custom insignia's for a paintball clan sure, but military ones, no.
But I can't see myself dressing up like that.


Active Member
May 24, 2008
NW England
One of my friends from college has been interested in civil war reenactments for over twenty years, he runs a business from home making shoes of that period; is that taking it too far with guns & cannons at their 'get-togethers'?

First time I played airsoft (out of 3), I had to stop myself from laughing as some of the
players appeared to take it sooo seriously.

In the end, it's personal choice. Something which we still have in this country.

Live and let live

Andy Steele

P8ntball isn't a sport
Sep 2, 2005
It's all part of the fun of airsoft. they enjoy it, they like it, it's what they determin as being part of airsoft. In terms of taking things to far. Not at all. There doing what they like, it's not war, it's not going to kill anyone. They could be looking straight back at you thinking the same thing


I think therefore I am.
Sep 19, 2005
if thats what they want to do then let them be.

why do alot of fisherman wear camo it makes no difference!

why footballers wear tight tops?

why do they wear bright coloured boots?

why do paintballers wear brightly coloured clothing in the woods, stand out a mile off.

why do people have to talk about such inane drivel when my night at work has become already long and drawn out and make it worse.

its because they can. we do it. if i played more sup air id try get a kit for each different set of bunkers so i could blend in. because i/we can. sooo what.

The Coalthief

Active Member
May 27, 2011
We're not so different to airsoft,there's more that unites us than divides us.
And if government ever tries to hit either side with knee jerk laws (a la California),we'd better learn to like each other.
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Jul 27, 2011
ooo, tricky! It’s all a question of your perspective and reasons. I wear full camo on the paintball field cos Army surplus is cheaper than paintball gear. Secondly I also believe that for the way I play during Woodsball it could provide a tactical advantage.
I’ve had a close look at the Airsoft scene and come away feeling it’s not for me. Amongst other things a big turn off is those Airsoft players that try and convince you that it’s better than paintball.
However if it floats their boat let them get on with it. I guess to outsiders looking in medals on the chest is a bit lame/”over the top” but when I tell people I paintball I sometimes get laughed at because it’s based on what they know or perceive paintball to be, stag-dos, kids birthday outing, etc.
Having read through this thread I think the person with the biggest chip on their shoulder was the service man who took offense at seeing civilians dressed like professionals. I empathise with why he should feel that way.
I’m an IT Professional and there is nothing more annoying to me than enthusiasts who think they know it all because they have had mild success fiddling with their computers in their spare time. They don’t know what it’s like to do it day in day out under pressure or the amount of time spent studying to become proficient.

But in closing, I and the service man have to let it go cos when the S**T hits the fan who ends up being called to save the day!


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
The distillation of these different types of gun sports can be best understood by asking, why do people play it?

For us, we play because we wanna compete ... we play tournament paintball, it has an integral ethos of competition running through its lifeblood.

Airsofters [and others] play because they wanna look and act like soldiers, if they didn't, then why go to inordinate lengths to wear the garb, assume the talk and use milsim gats ????

For these guys, losing is not something that bothers them at all; these guys 'win' because they have emulated being a soldier and run around a wood or simulated built up areas with their medals clanking as they bark army like commands to each other.

For us guys, we play ball to win .... the garb, gat design and the style of communication are all incidental .... this is the important difference, you pays yer money, ya takes your choice, that's about the strength of it.
As to whether anyone can legitimately criticise anybody?

For me, it is decidedly more healthy to wanna play to compete because our game can consequently be classified as a sport whereas the airsoft people, or indeed our own rec/scenario guys elect to do what they do as an indulgence and most definitely NOT a sport ..... it's more akin to medieval war reenactments as shown above.
That's about the only differnce for me but it's not enough to assume any moral high ground that's for sure ...