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WOODLAND or Suppair


Platinum Member - Lifetime
Aug 16, 2006
Ion I totally disagree on airball players dominating the woodsball players ! Lets see a full squad of Airball players take on a full squad of Manc Lions. I'd put my money on Russ Smith and Rob Yates crew any day.


F1 and Rallying are both classed as 'Motor Sport'. So Woods and Supair are both Paintball. Both have their merits and in the case of motor Sport the cars are high tech but built differently . Paintball could be the same.

Supair = F1
Woods = Rallying

The real case for Woodland tournaments is that most players graduate to taking up paintball from punter days. Once they do, it's straight to supair (F1) which is a hell of a leap. So there is a gap in the market.

The problem is talking a site owner into having a bunch whineing, selfish, bill dodging prima donnas on his site or run a tournament. :rolleyes:;):D


IM AGG...my mom says
Oct 24, 2007
supair is a fairer competition. each side of the supair field is identicle. meaning fair play. woodsball isnt. each side of the scenario is tottally different. they are both great fun and different skills are aquired. People that are saying that supair players wont have a chance against woodsballers in the woods are miss informed. i can guarantee that they all came from the woods. i think it would be fun. i am new to supair and prefer it but still go back to the woods at least once a month because it is fun to shoot **** loads of paint at castles from too far away to even be accurate with 300 people around you doing whatever. thats why i am up unreal next time lol

Big Mac

My Custom User Title
Oct 19, 2006
you mean there are still trees down south?

this is an outrage.

1)supair is a fairer competition. each side of the supair field is identicle. meaning fair play.
find me a perfectly identical sup air field.

they are never identicle, walk both sides of the field there will be something on one side that is not the same as the other, i.e. this sunday at the masters, on one side there was a lane that could be shot without being seen or being shot at, on the other side it was different and harder to get.

bunkers are never in exactly the same place on both sides.