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round the town funky kwow
Mar 11, 2008
Well i dont have a clue where to post this but im giving brain box a go well this is what i want to know.

What Jobs does everyone have and you go that job?

How to get to work in the paintball industrie?

And i need some help with this

Im doing a level 2 media course, and after this year im gunna attempt to go into full time employment, or continue in further education. And was wondering what would be best suited for me cause im good at media like promotion etc, But i would also like to go into sponsorship roles for company's both of these things i highly enjoy doing. I got offered a interview for a promotion apprentership in london but finding out where they were based i couldnt go there due to being so far away and costing too mucht o travel there for a day. Can anyone give me some advice on how to get into these sort of areas etc.

All i help is highly appreciated
Thanks for your time


Wizard, of sorts...
Feb 27, 2002
Nottingham, England
I don't want to come across as overly snarky. But I'd strongly advise the use of a spell check and proof read carefully. I've been reviewing applicant CVs for the place I work at as we're hiring at the moment and it's something that makes me cringe.

I work in desktop software developement by the way, as a Quality Assurance Engineer. Therefore being a pedantic ******* is part of the course. I have a so so degree in software developement (games) because I wanted to work in the games industry. Then after some experience in the field I realised that no way in hell I wanted to put up with the **** that games developers do. So after some fannying around in other stuff like tech support I landed the role I'm in now and am fairly content.


round the town funky kwow
Mar 11, 2008
Its late and typed it quickly, Apologise for the spelling etc, However at my school we did a interview job day where business owners of my town st,neots interview us, And i got full marks and the guy said if i went for job with him i would of got it on the dot, and my cv has no spelling mistakes and all worded correction.

Yeah i heard the game development is quite brutal, Ah i see, So went down a certain road and ended up with a job that your happy with, Thanks for your post dude, It helped

Sid Sidgwick

Tinkering ain’t easy
Im a science teacher in a Sebd school. I went to college and studied biology, chemisty and sociology, went to uni to do forensic science, worked in industry for 5 years as a research scientist then decided on a career change.

Id always wanted to teach and just thought what the hell im going for it. My advice would be do lots of research, make suse your cv is tip top, see if you can get some experience linked into what you want to do (voluntary always looks good) and finally just go for it, do your best to attend any and every interview you can get.

Good luck.


PS-DW makes a valid point. Your future comes first.

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
I got offered a interview for a promotion apprentership in london but finding out where they were based i couldnt go there due to being so far away and costing too mucht o travel there for a day.
All i help is highly appreciated
Thanks for your time
Here's some constructive criticism!!!:D

You spend many 100s of pounds yearly to play paintball and you cannot spend a little time and money to attend an interview that could shape your future and guarantee that you can afford to play the sport you seem to love. Then you come on here and ask people for help you shape your future for you
May seem harsh, or may be I missed something, but sorry, you do seem to have your priorities wildly wrong

St Noets to London Euston by train 1hr 10 min journey time and its an hourly service and a bus will get you most places around London in a reasonable time - if not get a taxi - Cost of the return train fare £33.50 - not even half a days paintball for the average baller - How many events you intend to play this year??????

Alex R

Fusion 141
Jul 15, 2006
North Yorkshire
I'm a qualified chef with NVQ level2, I also took some extra courses like the, Wine and Spirit Education Trust Certificate, National Licensee's Certificate and a Certificate for A study of Wines, Spirits & Alcoholic Beverages(Alcohol is my friend:)).

In my second year I got Jr Chef of the year. As part of my Course we had to do a block work experience placement for a month, most of my friends went to local places, but I and another had the opportunity to go further afield, my mate went to work for Ramon Blanc in Oxford and I went to Rick Steins Sea Food Restaurant in Padstow, which is a long journey from York, then to start the next day at 07:30 for 12 split shifts but I can honestly say I really enjoyed it even with the long hours and zero pay, there I cooked for the brother of Princess Diana. I was offered a job after my time, but I still had college to finish etc and lost my opportunity.

So just before I left college I got a job at the Royal York Hotel and worked there for 8 years, during that time I moved from kitchen assistant to first Commis, to move up to Chef De Partie I had to go to one of the other hotels in the company in Moretonhampstead. During my time at the Royal York I cooked for various celebs like Melinda Messenger, Sophie Ellis Bexter and a few other. I also met Alan Smith in the lounge, as he was waiting for his court case.

As time went on I got more responsibility, I turned up to a shift one afternoon and got sent to another hotel in Leeds (the Metropol) to run the kitchens for a night as they had zero staff and only agency to cover.....

Now I'm done with Catering as the hours went up, but the wages didn't, I did 12-14hrs per day, on pay for an 8 hour shift...

So now I'm only doing 2 days a week at my local site till I can find something else or retrain... I'm currently waiting on an interview for a job as a Baker... Another story of different roads travelled with missed opportunities.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
DW's post is bang on the money as is Sid's; Whilst my teaching days ended over 15 years ago, I can still recount many of the lessons I learned ironically as the tutor, the most of profound of which is, 'You only get out what you put in' closely followed by, 'Nothing comes easy'....... digest these two little lessons and you won't go too far wrong Snax.

PS And remember, packaging is hugely important, just go look round any supermarket to confirm this .... and as such, your English, tired or not, is so bad, I honestly thought I was reading the words of an Arsenal supporter.
Now you may well be the right man for a particular job but if you apply for it using the language and grammar you have thus far displayed ...well, I'd start practicing the following phrase that will help you in life afterwards.....'Do you want fries with that Sir' ?


Feb 20, 2006
Im a science teacher in a Sebd school. I went to college and studied biology, chemisty and sociology, went to uni to do forensic science, worked in industry for 5 years as a research scientist then decided on a career change.

Id always wanted to teach and just thought what the hell im going for it. My advice would be do lots of research, make suse your cv is tip top, see if you can get some experience linked into what you want to do (voluntary always looks good) and finally just go for it, do your best to attend any and every interview you can get.

Good luck.


PS-DW makes a valid point. Your future comes first.
Sid, hopefully my older lad will be studying forensic science next year in UNI. He has all 5 offers from UNI's around the UK. With a lot of hard work, fingers crossed he will get the grades he needs to be accepted a place.
What was it like being in the forensics department. Whats the pay like. What was the main reason you decided to change jobs ?
Sorry for the questions, just trying to get more insight from someone who has been there.

Sid Sidgwick

Tinkering ain’t easy
Sid, hopefully my older lad will be studying forensic science next year in UNI. He has all 5 offers from UNI's around the UK. With a lot of hard work, fingers crossed he will get the grades he needs to be accepted a place.
What was it like being in the forensics department. Whats the pay like. What was the main reason you decided to change jobs ?
Sorry for the questions, just trying to get more insight from someone who has been there.
Its an excellent course in university as it gives a very good grounding in Chemistry and Biology as well as focussing on aspects of Law and obviously specifics in Forensics.

Lots of people apply for Forensics thinking it will be like TV and the reality of it soon hits them after the first few weeks. The courses (or mine in particular) was chemistry dominant paying a lot of attention to chemical synthesis and bonding. The amount of Chemistry and Biology opens up plenty of industrial jobs in pharmaceuticals and such like. When I left Uni i went to work in Forensics for a while before movin to pharma (mainly for money) working as a CSI isnt very good pay especially at the beginning (the money comes form being on shift and the older guys have the dibs on this) and most of your days are spend doing volume crime (Fingerprinting cars and making a mess :)) Working for the FSS is better pay and lab based so if he enjoys those aspects of the course then he knows where to go.

I moved to Pharma for the money (doubled my pay) this was a good move for cash and was an interesting job but I soon tired of the monotomey of doing the same things each day, so for me teaching was a no brainer (I hated my Science teacher at school and felt I could do a better job) and had always wanted to work with disenchanted youths (from the age of 15 I did youth work and found this very rewarding.) Ive now been teaching a couple of years and couldn't think of a better job to be doing.