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Help/advice needed concerning a GIANT custom idea!


Crimson Baller
Jun 14, 2012
not sure where to post this :/ chose here in the end but if im wrong, im sure someone will point me in the right direction. :D

Need some help from my fellow ballers :D
(actually, a lot of help XD)

working on a giant project which depending on the info i gather, may or may not go ahead.

OK! so a while ago, i saw some sort of backpack loading system. paint loaded into the top, filled with so much paint and a hose fed it directly into your marker. i cant remember what its called or if it made it into production. anyone point me in the right direct?

right, down to the thing im dreading the answer to >.<
as it stands, i play all types of paintball however i have a passion for scenario games and milsim games, missions with objectives etc. my passion has grown to the point ive started designing my own game format and themed game (which is a lot harder than i first thought so props to the guys and girls who do it :D).
For this particular game and possibly future walkons, im possibly going to create a custom marker. i originally looked at a dual firing marker but thats been done :p
so im looking at a quad firing marker, with a unique loading system (hence the first question) xD

essentially, im looking at making a custom frame that will hold four separate internals, each with a remote line setup (custom airhose running along the frame towards the back of the marker to be hooked up to a remote line) with a custom built electric trigger to fire all four after each other but NOT AT THE SAME TIME. (if thats possible, maybe an expert programmer can mod the board so each trigger pull fires a different one, in the right order or a set of buttons aligned on a grip?) as for loading paint, looking at a very hush hush mod that will load all for simultanously.

so if you've got this far, thanks :D i appreciate it, i really do :D

now down to the need to know:

1. do you reckon its do-able/safe to do?
2. what restriction should be in place for such a marker? (already planning on low capped fire rate and velocity, after all i want people to enjoy this marker and not be maimed by it :p)
3. any other input or advice
4. reckon it would be ok for a walkon after the event (i reckon i know this answer >.<)

cost isnt a factor as ill be doing most of the construction myself with the help of a few mates. any other questions you have or anything at all, ill happily answer.

any and all info, feedback, comments is helpful (even if they are negative :p)

and if you got alll the way to here, thank you very much :D i appreciate you taking the time to read it all :D


Nov 27, 2006
Strike loader is the most recent version of the paintball feed backpack idea.
Development stopped, but I believe new backers came in
This is a pretty difficult item to get going and to be reliable
It has been done before- funky diver built the feedruck a number of years ago
You need a large box etc that can take everything and stop the paintballs crushing those on the bottom or jammin the feed.
(Eg add some ramps to take away weight)
The feed system then needs to be able to force feed through the appropriate hose with a strong enough hose not to kink, enough lressure to go the full length but not too much to crush paintballs into each other

1) doable
Safe - as long as you control the air pressures, can make it safe, stop shooting when you release, have a fair rof and can chrono each barrel
Remember in addition to a fair ROF, once someone is eliminated you as an individual could still be shooting them with 4 times as many paintballs as anyone else in the time it takes you to notice their hands up etc

2)actual restrictions depend on how it is used
If by a normal or special player taking part in game then restrict it to balance with normal play
If as a special mission etc then it can be less restrictive, eg if there is an objective to get by it - people can be made aware of what they are going up against, and make sure there is an 'escape route' for the eliminated to run out to the side whip it continues to shoot at everyone else
4) walkon use depends on what the site and other players think of the look of it!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2003
Bristol, UK
Also something to think about is something to gently press down on the top of the balls as you use them up so that you don't smash it all to pieces when it's half full and you go for a little jog.


The brotherhood
Aug 1, 2003
Visit site
I built a mech quad gun years ago 33669_105879099478444_100001690623046_47130_4382548_n.jpg67210_105879076145113_100001690623046_47128_2991158_n.jpg69050_105879089478445_100001690623046_47129_3874621_n.jpg this was all 4 guns firing one after the other via a camshaft running through the trigger frames and powered by an air drill operated by a single button on the handle at the rear, the major problem with this was the air drill used too much air, a later version used a hand crank on the end of the camshaft.I can see you having one or two problems, firstly, i think it will be impossible to feed 4 guns consistently from a single source, you'll end up with some of the guns hardly ever having balls in the breech when they fire (obviously if you're using electros with eyes this won't be a major disaster). And the other problem, 4 guns require x4 the amount of air otherwise there's not much point.


#19 Blackout
Feb 22, 2012
Right, assuming you use some cheap markers (unless you can afford 4 high end efficient markers) they are going to run, lets say 1000 shots of a standard 3k fill. I'm guessing you wont be able to afford that many carbon tanks, So im going to assume you will be running allu/steely tanks.

So, assuming you run a tank per gun you can max out at 2 cases of paint. You mentioned remote lines so I am going to assume you are running all the tanks on your back along with the paint. Alu tanks are about 1.33kg.
4 x 1.33kg = 5.3kg.

According to Google, a case of paintballs weighs around 7kg. So 2 of those is 14kg

Therefore, assuming you will be wanting to max out your setup (whats the point in running 4 guns and a backpack otherwise) then you will have 20kg on your back (when you add the weight of the actual box, im guessing the extra 800grams will be made up)

Plus the weight of the four gun setup in your hands.

Basically what I am trying to say is yes, it is achievable, but good luck carrying the bloody setup. You will barely be able to run the hundred metres, let alone try and even sprint. Your maneuverability will be scrapped entirely...

At the end of the day, modern markers can shoot practically a whole case of paint on one fill, and if you are going to restrict the fire rate anyway, I don't see the benefit of having four barrels?


Crimson Baller
Jun 14, 2012
Strike loader is the most recent version of the paintball feed backpack idea.
Development stopped, but I believe new backers came in
This is a pretty difficult item to get going and to be reliable
It has been done before- funky diver built the feedruck a number of years ago
You need a large box etc that can take everything and stop the paintballs crushing those on the bottom or jammin the feed.
(Eg add some ramps to take away weight)
The feed system then needs to be able to force feed through the appropriate hose with a strong enough hose not to kink, enough lressure to go the full length but not too much to crush paintballs into each other

1) doable
Safe - as long as you control the air pressures, can make it safe, stop shooting when you release, have a fair rof and can chrono each barrel
Remember in addition to a fair ROF, once someone is eliminated you as an individual could still be shooting them with 4 times as many paintballs as anyone else in the time it takes you to notice their hands up etc

2)actual restrictions depend on how it is used
If by a normal or special player taking part in game then restrict it to balance with normal play
If as a special mission etc then it can be less restrictive, eg if there is an objective to get by it - people can be made aware of what they are going up against, and make sure there is an 'escape route' for the eliminated to run out to the side whip it continues to shoot at everyone else
4) walkon use depends on what the site and other players think of the look of it!
thanks :D

a mate of mine has said the same thing, create your own sort of strike loader with a hardshell back pack, cut and mod in 4 reloaders (an example) with separate feed chambers for the paint and four separate feed hoses.

Also something to think about is something to gently press down on the top of the balls as you use them up so that you don't smash it all to pieces when it's half full and you go for a little jog.
considered that as well :D looking at a soft press lid that pushes down gently on the paint as its fired. can be reset when filling back up in safe zone

I built a mech quad gun years ago View attachment 22052View attachment 22053View attachment 22054 this was all 4 guns firing one after the other via a camshaft running through the trigger frames and powered by an air drill operated by a single button on the handle at the rear, the major problem with this was the air drill used too much air, a later version used a hand crank on the end of the camshaft.I can see you having one or two problems, firstly, i think it will be impossible to feed 4 guns consistently from a single source, you'll end up with some of the guns hardly ever having balls in the breech when they fire (obviously if you're using electros with eyes this won't be a major disaster). And the other problem, 4 guns require x4 the amount of air otherwise there's not much point.
yeah, i think it was maybe a long shot to think a single feed tube could do it so the idea now is, like i said above, 4 reloaders and 4 feed tubes into each breach. as for air, looking at 2 large capacity tanks with ninja dual remote hoses either attached to my back or inside this make shift loader. weight is gonna be an issue so have to lose as much weight in this construction as possible, hence why im trying to make up a custom frame instead of 4 markers.

gotta say that looks pretty awesome pal :D

Right, assuming you use some cheap markers (unless you can afford 4 high end efficient markers) they are going to run, lets say 1000 shots of a standard 3k fill. I'm guessing you wont be able to afford that many carbon tanks, So im going to assume you will be running allu/steely tanks.

So, assuming you run a tank per gun you can max out at 2 cases of paint. You mentioned remote lines so I am going to assume you are running all the tanks on your back along with the paint. Alu tanks are about 1.33kg.
4 x 1.33kg = 5.3kg.

According to Google, a case of paintballs weighs around 7kg. So 2 of those is 14kg

Therefore, assuming you will be wanting to max out your setup (whats the point in running 4 guns and a backpack otherwise) then you will have 20kg on your back (when you add the weight of the actual box, im guessing the extra 800grams will be made up)

Plus the weight of the four gun setup in your hands.

Basically what I am trying to say is yes, it is achievable, but good luck carrying the bloody setup. You will barely be able to run the hundred metres, let alone try and even sprint. Your maneuverability will be scrapped entirely...

At the end of the day, modern markers can shoot practically a whole case of paint on one fill, and if you are going to restrict the fire rate anyway, I don't see the benefit of having four barrels?
yes, weight is going to be a massive issue with this build so im gonna rid as much of it as possible. looking mainly at combat/a5's as i more experiance with them. your right in a sense, cant afford 4 carbons for each one xD so settling for 2 large fill tanks with dual ninja lines. i may lose air fast but its something i have to consider to keep weight down. id love to run it to max capacity with 4 tanks and a shed load of paint but i doubt ill be able to last a full day with it on :p

i have a reason for restricting it.
lets say for example i manage to create this marker with a perfect load system, air system, elec trig that can fire each barrel individually etc. and i take into the field of play, i spot a few players and decide to open fire on them by walking the trig. assuming everything works as planned, thats 4 times the amount of balls heading their way instead of one load of balls at a rate of fire of say 10bps. even with trigger discipline, thats still a lot of balls heading their way, even id hate to be on the receiving of something like that :/
i reckon that if i restrict the fire rate, the game will play better and safer for those on the receiving end of it and those who manage to use it. (as this marker will be used by a few people to begin with and whoever can acquire it via the missions in my game plan later in the day :D)

thanks all for your input so far :D its a massive help and everything that's been said so far is being considered :D


Free Agent
Sep 26, 2006
I'd say its not worth it.

I'd also say use ions.

There are reasons to both of these.

1. It wont work better than a single high end marker. It'll be heavier less efficient and less accurate. Yes it will have a 'presence' on the field to start with, but that'll soon shatter when everyone is shooting you out.

2. use ions as they can be bought cheaply, work great and are very modular in design.

3. Better than your idea would be to build a custom ion in an LMG body with a custom box mag and after market board. Like funky Diver's old M249. Will still have a look and presence on the field, will still have a high capacity (probably around 5-600) but will actually work well and not be just a novelty.
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