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How NOT to talk to the mods

Tony Harrison

What is your beef with the Mac?
Mar 13, 2007
The problem is that not very many people bother reading things. Or listening whilst you explain it to them.

Many years spent reffing have taught me this.



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
When i get hatemail on here I just go and have alook at the slaver fired at you on techpb and i don't feel so bad :p
I don't get hate mail, I get a lot of jealous mail but I've learned to live with that ever since I been old enough to hold up a mirror in front of me ......

I have had a few threatening emails where some members have threatened me physically, they all seem to belong to the Keyboard Kage Fightin' Crew and all go thru the [verbal] posturing of a fight ....well, that is until a time and place are suggested at which point, Mr Reality sets in and a dollop of faeces meanders its way to a point where it head thumps their underpants.

I have zero idea why they even bother to go thru the first act of violent posturing only to slide out at the first real opportunity to make good their promises .... it's sooo embarrassing and humiliating for them ... or maybe they feel no shame, perhaps that's it :rolleyes:


Aug 16, 2007
Oahu, Hawaii / London UK
I get alot, I say alot its been dissapointingly slow the last month, im down to about two awesome ones a month and maybe one semi-good one a fortnight.
Mods will do actions using a warning that I made months ago and instantly people think its me, I have no issues with it to be honest, never really botherd me as I know most are 13 years old. they haven't learnt better yet.



Southern Pirates
Just an example.

You have more than a few threads deleted for non compliance with rules so what would you do ?
Go and read the rules yes,good I thought so.

So then you post a thread again and it is still deleted for non compliance with rules.
So you would go and read the rules again yes.. and maybe pm or visitor message the mod.
Realising that mods have other things to do on here or at home/work you may need to show a little patience for a reply.
I read the above and immediately thought of Cliff :D

Oh and B followed perhaps if it happens again by a POLITE A to find out where you're going wrong. :) (Whilst secretly wishing to send a C hehe)

Even my 5 year old daughter can write her name on a piece of paper with todays date, just need to teach her the art of taking pictures of my gear and then post up on here.
Then she would be more than qualified to post on PBNation.....oh hang on she'd actually be over-qualified ;)


Ka mate!
Jun 10, 2006
I don't get hate mail, I get a lot of jealous mail but I've learned to live with that ever since I been old enough to hold up a mirror in front of me ......

I have had a few threatening emails where some members have threatened me physically, they all seem to belong to the Keyboard Kage Fightin' Crew and all go thru the [verbal] posturing of a fight ....well, that is until a time and place are suggested at which point, Mr Reality sets in and a dollop of faeces meanders its way to a point where it head thumps their underpants.

I have zero idea why they even bother to go thru the first act of violent posturing only to slide out at the first real opportunity to make good their promises .... it's sooo embarrassing and humiliating for them ... or maybe they feel no shame, perhaps that's it :rolleyes:
I can guess why it happens like that... After you accept their challenge and they boast about it, some of their mates point out that your avatar really shows you, not just some huge guy who could make a pretzel out of them if he existed irl.