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Playing boots


Feb 11, 2005
On The South Coast Baby
Any comfy football boots with rubber blades are the best ive found. Umbros or Addidas are genarally the most comfy

Never tried cleats tho to be honest as ive always been happy with footie boots.... if it aint broke:D


Mr Fantastico
May 20, 2006
Stealing Al's PC parts
now i thaught about getting a pair of tanel's...but the stub pattern on the bottom seems like a risk to me...ive seen loads of people have injuries from using the wrong studs/patterning on boots...but if they come in a low ankle i might give them a whirl


P8nt'in Yo Face Since 03
tanels are great if you like huge moonboots!! ;)

Seriously, Tanels are great for grip and sturdyness in mud and wet and pretty comfy. I prefer the Nike Land Shark because its like wearing a pair of trainers for comfort and then give ample support (although not the best in very
muddy conditions). Addidas are great shoes too.

My advice, try different ones, you are bound to like one!!


Looking for a team.
i feel like some sort of border crossing reject....i use the JT cleats...i have the high ankle ones but thats cuz i used to play in the woods long long ago...but they have good grip and are comfy as hell...only downer...mainly black with yellow detailing...not very pimp...but then im old and more likely to be your pimp daddy than a pimp baller lol.