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M25 leg 3 Dunstable May 18 - the draw

The Mighty Dwarf

paintball whore
Nov 10, 2002
UK hertfordshire
why can none of you lot stop bitchin, we all moan we have no tournaments to play and when we have them to play there is more bitchin, if you lot bitched this much on the field maybe your games would improve(only joking) look Team Zone has not been around long and neither have some of its players and all we want to do is play some good paintball against good teams.

So stop bitchin and just be thankfull we have somewhere to play ball ......

I put together Team Zone with a players that enjoy the game, so what happened to you lot have you forgotten how good the game is and how much fun it is to play ............

Bunker Imp

Dye Paintball
Apr 24, 2003
what you on about total chaos are going to win we are going to fill the deadbox with your team owen lol see you sunday m8 hope its a good laugh


In Paintball, It never ceases to amaze me that everyone is very quick to bitch about everything but wont do anything to change it unless of course it benefits themselves...........

Whingeing about what division your in,is not new. It went on for years and that along with a multitude of other 'problems' real or imagined is what lead tournament organisers to turn their backs on the whole tournament scene in the south.
an explaination to all storm players please read thank you :)

Who is responsible for entering your team?

If it is Gaff then please bitch at him.

Iam explaining this for the last time.

2nd leg Reading

Storm entered teams 1, 2, 3, so we assumed as we had not been told differently that was also your playing ability order with me so far gents...................

We were also told two pro level teams and 1 am so we expect 1 and 2 to be top teams able to hold their own and 3 to be an am team also with a good game.

No one would expect 2 to be playing at a lower level than 3 when 1 was your top team.

So to be told storms teams ranking went 1,3,2 was as much of a surprise to us as your division was to you.

As the organisers we suggested to Mr sosta that you swapped your teams around in order of your teams ability this should have been easy for you.

But storm 3 the higher playing team didn't want to swap to were they would have been playing if your 1, 3, 2 had been explained at the time.

Gaffs are you now are you saying you’re happy with the divisions at Reading because several storm players have posted that they were not your self-included.

3rd leg Dunstable I was informed storm wanted to enter a pro and am team so sorry guys you have 3 squads so pro and am not pro and novice we assume it team 1 and 3 form last time and place you accordingly we were not told its team 1 and 3 or teams 3 and 2 from last time just pro and am.

Not only was in not clear which squad; you have also technically changed your team names around.

Now before you all jump on your high horses we are trying to be fair to all the teams here and not being clear is not helping.

Yes I did receive a pm from gaff (Saturday after the divisions had been set) but it did not say which squads only that 1 team he considered to be pro and one am bish but not novice. We need to know which team and which squad you are fielding and will then be able to place you accordingly with the other teams in a division suitable for your teams considering the teams that have entered.

Ever played at the bottom of bottom of novice and had over half the opposition made up of K2? Well Liz and I both have on more occasions than we care to mention. We are both players and are not trying to screw any one over here.

This is not a personal attack on storm.

I am just trying to explain to you all why you have been placed in a higher division that you would have liked, we need the correct information to make the correct decisions.

To answer my question are you fielding the same teams as Reading and if so which squad?

That is all we need to know and then we can judge which division to place you in according to the criteria.