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Masters feedback


Northern Heroes #03
Sep 3, 2003
Carlisle UK
In that particular case the player came round the back, watched his opponent (facing the other way & completely unaware) for at least 5 seconds while standing still, then aimed & shot at the head rather than the back. Unnecessary imho at this level; you might get people spinning and firing after being shot at the very top level but at domestic level shots in the back should be quite enough especially when there's only 3 players left on the field & plenty of refs to prevent spinning.

You dont play the top div in the masters then cos the competition is just as fierce as the top level. people spin all the time even when you hit them an move away they try to cheat to get you as well.

DW - you wont complain if one of your teams gets to the top div an does it. Its not as relaxed up there as it is in div2,3,4 people will do anything to win an if you dont you wont win. (take a look at the avatar i know what im on about)

He shouldnt have been banned at all an wouldnt have been other than to keep the peace with a certain player who wouldnt calm down an it wasnt the player who was shot.

An as far as he had two shots to his neck so what! Welcome to the top div of the masters. I was lyin in the open when my leg gave way at the 5man an i took god knows how many shots to my head, neck, right shoulder, body and leg while i lay on the floor not moving, i was dripping with paint,bleeding from the shots which hit my skin as i was completely helpless even more so than the guy who got shot 2 or 3 times in the side of the head. It didnt matter to me getting shot as i would have done the same myself if someone was laying on the ground getting shot is part of paintball.


setting things right
Nov 29, 2004
Visit site
You dont play the top div in the masters then cos the competition is just as fierce as the top level. people spin all the time even when you hit them an move away they try to cheat to get you as well.

DW - you wont complain if one of your teams gets to the top div an does it. Its not as relaxed up there as it is in div2,3,4 people will do anything to win an if you dont you wont win. (take a look at the avatar i know what im on about)

He shouldnt have been banned at all an wouldnt have been other than to keep the peace with a certain player who wouldnt calm down an it wasnt the player who was shot.

An as far as he had two shots to his neck so what! Welcome to the top div of the masters. I was lyin in the open when my leg gave way at the 5man an i took god knows how many shots to my head, neck, right shoulder, body and leg while i lay on the floor not moving, i was dripping with paint,bleeding from the shots which hit my skin as i was completely helpless even more so than the guy who got shot 2 or 3 times in the side of the head. It didnt matter to me getting shot as i would have done the same myself if someone was laying on the ground getting shot is part of paintball.

im just so danm proud :D

But well said jasper, dont like being shot go play laser tag! or sumthin

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002

Its not about 'not liking getting shot', its that there was just no need to actually hurt the player like he meant to.

I am friends and team mates with both parties involved, and although I wasn't there and am going from what I've been told, I dont think it should have been a banable offence, but I also know that there was absolutely no need for it.

The player got banned because other people put pressure on the officials, and I think this is what people should be stopping or discussing. the marshalls are there, getting paid, to do a job to their best, and if people even including the organisers start pressuring them to make decisions, why should they bother?

If it were me having a shot in the head from behind, I'd be more annoyed about how I or my team let it happen, not about the circumstances which brought it about, and from what I know, thats what happened sunday.

Just drop the subject before this gets messy.

And most importantly, let the marshalls do their own jobs!

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
A lot of double standards going on here

I was at Campaign when a member of the Kellys was shot at point blank range in the head, that if I remember it right put him totally out of commission for the rest of the event and there was a huge outcry on this very forum saying it was unnecessary, even at that level of paintball.

So when one of our top players gets hurt from an unnecessary shot to the head its fine to complain, when its a player in a lower standard British league it's tough

Short f**king memories you guys have got.

Love the fact that some of you think that because this is a contact sport that any level of contact is allowed.

And Jasper yes I would big style - his job is to shoot the opponents off the field immediately - no wasting time gloating - no 5 secs.
Strange that even the Dynasty guys @ NQ were also promoting safe mugging


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2005
Okay, so the problem here is the fact the ref had to be pressured to make the right call. Marshalls aren't allowed to listen or be influenced by the crowd so people may have a problem with the fact that this time they were, and otherwise no call would have been made.

I saw it, and walked away thinking 'man, that's harsh but what can you do?' as it looked as though the player did too

Ms Bossy

wotever :o)
Aug 26, 2002
I don't normally post on things like this but i feel strongly on what this topic is about.
If the guy that got shot at the base of his skull had died or suffered a neurological disorder would your "get over it" opinions still be the same!, far fetched you might say but you would be wrong, i know it can happen as i have seen it first hand.
I am not implying that a paintball could kill but i am implying that events of such a shot could lead to complications.
I would like to point out that i am not having a pop at any parties involved in this incident, this is my general opinion.


watching you
Nov 14, 2005
This incident happened at the PA last year. A guy was lying face down in the snake taking paint from all directions all of his team were out, a player from the other team walked right up to him from behind. Very slowly pointed his marker aiming at his back then changed his mind and popped one in the back of the skull. I know the player in the snake was dazed for quite a while but although it was not good to watch and people watching were very annoyed nothing happened to the player who shot him. Looks like there are different standards for different events. Would they get banned in psp, nppl, milleniums?


New Member
Jun 9, 2006
i agree

yes i agree its double standards. I think the rules should be the same no matter what level you play, how can a player shoot people from the deadbox especially 3 players and only get a next game ban. I remember a pro team doing this some time ago and there was a really big thread on it the player got a major ban. Thrown off the team. And as far as i am aware the player never played again. So to me it looks like double standards also 1 rule for 1 and 1 rule for another. I dont think other events would have taken too lightly to this.
The player may not have complained because he would have though it was a run through, so acceptable. You are trying to tell me you would rather take 2 shots to the head than 5 or 6 to the body from somebody who has you completely at there mercy at very close range. 1 to the mask is a lucky escape in this situation as long as your lenses withstand the hit

So who had the stopwatch on him counting the seconds he took to aim???
I already said I wasnt there, and it was only what I heard and seems like the only complaining being done was by a spectator.
I also said I know the guy and I have never known him be anything but fair on the field.
I get lit up everytime I play and sometimes get shot all the way back to the dead box, in the back, the back of the head everything. WHO CARES its part of the sport. Lets face it we have all been shot in the head, but we have to expect it. I think in my mind the player in question didnt do it intentionally as said by this spectator.
And the answer to your question, YES I would rather take 2 to the head as I make sure my goggles are in top condition and I wear head protection. Now a thin shirt with nothing underneath, OUCH! I would rather not have 5-6 in the back thanks.
If I am wrong then sorry, but I am only going by what I heard and how I know the player.
Once again this is the problem of the internet. Everyone can moan for weeks afterwards about something that was obviously dealt with on the day.
Not going to argue this fact as I said they were my own views and it is just giving what everyone said was a good day a black mark.
Sorry if anyone was offended by my previous comments, but he really is NOT a bad guy!