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Impulse raider

Jun 4, 2008

Hi Carl,

Sorry to hear about your problem, however I am playing the NSPL tomorrow, if you cant get down to see this guy, then i could always pick up the missing items for you, providing they are brought along by this guy
Hi Spur

If someone is ever able to get hold of james and get him to bring the goodies along then mate be my guest and grab them for me.

I last i knew robbo had left a message on his mobile and was waiting for him to get back in touch.

There seems to be a few guys on here that know him, so all i am asking guys is that any of you that manage to get in contact with him ask him to either send the goods to the address that i txt him or alternatively take them along to the nspl game and give them to mick AKA ( SPURDOG ) of XV..

I would also like to point out at this stage that this thread turned into more of a who is wrong and right thread about doing business.

1, I was wrong to trust a guy in a car park.
2, Lesson learned.
3, A gentlemans agreement means nothing anymore.
4, I hope this thread doesn't allow people to think its ok to f*ck other ballers over.
5, If this has taught me anything is that in future i will deal with it in my own way in future, :rolleyes:.

Peace out, and heres to a happy ending :D


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
5, If this has taught me anything is that in future i will deal with it in my own way in future, :rolleyes:.

Peace out, and heres to a happy ending :D
There is nothing wrong with asking for help fella, but this is a case of a severe lack of common sense being followed by an unreasonable expectation that someone else would sort it for you.

If you had asked nicely, you would probably have been given less of a hard time. I'm a big fan of the gentleman's agreement but even i realise it isn't worth the paper it is printed on............


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
it ain't going to get banned, but we wont be picking up the pieces. if you use that option to avoid paying fees then your problem when it goes wrong don't pm me with it :D


Going....going....not quite dead yet...
Jun 21, 2004
oldham - lancs
Isn't this the reason we have feedback threads anyway?

Carl - I really do hope you get it sorted mate. I also hope that 'James' suffers a little pain and/or humiliation for the trouble he's caused you.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
well not really, as i do not drive, but i am sure if i were driving i would have no trouble mr buddha boy :D p.s i must read comic books? i just mentioned joan collins did'nt i ??? duh.....lol
A few pointers:

1)Yes you mentioned Joan Collins. But you didn't say you read the book. In fact, the whole tone of your post suggested it was probably way too wordy for you. Duh.

2)Calling me boy is just not done. People that know me don't call me boy for reasons that are blatantly obvious to them. People that don't know me should never call me boy.

3)This should be the last post on the matter, let's keep this thread on topic. And since my name is in red, it's smart to follow that suggestion.

Here endeth the lesson.

As for "Smack my bitch up", I rather play some Kool Keith (whose voice is actually sampled for that song).


Going....going....not quite dead yet...
Jun 21, 2004
oldham - lancs
Yeah Jay - just "Give the drummer some" :p.

Oh well, you know we could play this "old skool" sample game all night - but as this started out as a paintball thread ;)...

Impulse raider

Jun 4, 2008

Ok after 2 weeks and abit of prompting fron Robbo i finally got a txt from james, now i cant say this is what i expected, and seems to be some concern on my behalf.

I will post up what his txt said, and see if anyone else thinks there has been some porkies in what he has been telling me about finding the stuff the same night after our meet up.

Carl i am in Ausria at the moment, I am not paintballing anymore as i said, frankly its not my fault that you desided to sell the star frame before you recieved the standard frame, but i understand you want what you have paid for.

I haven't been unintentionally avoiding you, i have been working so much the past week i haven't had time to speak to my own friends let alone txt you.

I went to my parents on saturday and couldn't find the frame despite them telling me they had found it a few days earlier.

I am back in the country on the 14th , so i will visit my parents again to have one more look for this thing, if it cannot be located i am happy to refund £30 towards a second hand standard frame, considering how cheap you got the whole set up for in the first place.

I will say no more myself ..

Feel free to add your views.

Robbo thanks for the nudge

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