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Positive Discrimination


Active Member
Jul 23, 2001
Luxembourg now
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The problem with it is that discrimination is an easy card to play today.

When I hire someone, it will be not completely down to who was best qualified, but who will fit in best with the current team that I have working for me.

I have had people come in previously who were qualified up to their eyeballs, but added nothing to the structure we had apart from disruption, and that is the whole problem.

I won't hire someone who is shy, quiet, retiring, and lacking in broad shoulders and humour, as to do my job you need these things. Alas the framework for the discrimination 'rules' does not allow anything about personality, the MOST important factor in many interviews I hold.

Disrimination in reality only occours in the workplace in 2 situations, when someone wants it to as a reason for their own failings, or when someone is universally not liked for personal resaons rather than any creed/colour or if they are male, female or unsure!


Southern Pirates
Be thankful that we don't live in Argentina where my wife is from. You have to send in a photograph with your application. That is your first stage (unofficially of course.) If your a woman its especially hard. They will take girls who are beautiful or look like porn stars but have no qualifications or experience, and ignore girls with loads of experience and skills but are plain looking. The same happens for guys as well but not to the same extremes.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Be thankful that we don't live in Argentina where my wife is from. You have to send in a photograph with your application. That is your first stage (unofficially of course.) If your a woman its especially hard. They will take girls who are beautiful or look like porn stars but have no qualifications or experience, and ignore girls with loads of experience and skills but are plain looking. The same happens for guys as well but not to the same extremes.
Of course this system would be a massive result, if your Mrs looks like a porn star; no?

But seriously, if I were to open up say a men's barbers shop or even a strip joint I'd make more money simply by employing girls whom actually did look like Porn Stars.


SO hot right now
Aug 8, 2001
Of course this system would be a massive result, if your Mrs looks like a porn star; no?

But seriously, if I were to open up say a men's barbers shop or even a strip joint I'd make more money simply by employing girls whom actually did look like Porn Stars.
Certainly in the latter case it wouldn't be descrimination. Give me a shout when the place opens.

tshaka zulu

Thus negating the whole point of evolution, giving the weaker and more needy a stronger footing and giving the naturally dominant alpha 'stereotypes' less of a chance to propagate and bring society further forward in it's never ending quest for improvement...,next we'll be punishing the successful and making sure the slothful lazy and otherwise leech-like members of society are catered for first..don't bother climbing out of the primordial ooze chaps ,these buggers will just send us back as soon as we achieve perception.

Sure that would work......if human being didn't impede the process. For humans, "the better man" is often determined by socio-economic status. Access to resources, the "better human" is a human construct. In our world, unlike in the animal kingdom, the best genes are not passed on by way of a purely natural process as societal constructs become the vehicles by which any genetics are propagated over others.

Having the best technology doesn't actually mean having the best genes......it may mean that you had several individuals who created and built something that your society as a whole benefited from but that doesn't mean that your particular society as a whole is genetically superior or another inferior. I personally think that social Darwinism is laughable and the sooner we realize that we're not animals and the notion of race is a fallacy, the better off the whole of society will be.



Active Member
Jul 28, 2009
Thus negating the whole point of evolution, giving the weaker and more needy a stronger footing and giving the naturally dominant alpha 'stereotypes' less of a chance to propagate and bring society further forward in it's never ending quest for improvement...,next we'll be punishing the successful and making sure the slothful lazy and otherwise leech-like members of society are catered for first..don't bother climbing out of the primordial ooze chaps ,these buggers will just send us back as soon as we achieve perception.
yeah but by that logic you could argue that hitler was merley trying to continue evolution by killing all the jews,
and have you thought that by giving the weaker and more needy a stronger footing that we are continuing evolution as we have evolved beyond our base instinicts of survival of the fittest, we arnt animals any more..... we have ethics and morals......


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
yeah but by that logic you could argue that hitler was merley trying to continue evolution by killing all the jews,
and have you thought that by giving the weaker and more needy a stronger footing that we are continuing evolution as we have evolved beyond our base instinicts of survival of the fittest, we arnt animals any more..... we have ethics and morals......
Anybody wanna respond to this, please don't leave him to me...please....