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Best hopper for me?


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
I've been looking at all the vids pics and reviews of all the hoppers out there atm but i've not come across anyone that has them all. I just come across people saying there hopper is the best because tbh thats the only top end hopper they own.

Is there anyone out there? If so what hopper do you use? As you'll probably know.

I have a budget of about 200 and i play woodsball plus i don't mind modding stuff if needs so. It's just my reloader 2 isn't to good and i have to sometimes tilt the marker to load some balls. My markers can fire at 25+ bps



Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Yea i given a budget of 200 so i can buy extras if needed. I know theres internal upgrades and other stuff you can get some some hoppers

I'm using a bob long intimidator dragon 2.5 frenzy 127.5

The problem is i know all the names empire, dye, Pinokio , rotor , halo v35 , qLoader. so on...

It's just which one is the best in the field. They all claim to be the best


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2008
Sm5 2lw
Yea i given a budget of 200 so i can buy extras if needed. I know theres internal upgrades and other stuff you can get some some hoppers

I'm using a bob long intimidator dragon 2.5 frenzy 127.5

The problem is i know all the names empire, dye, Pinokio , rotor , halo v35 , qLoader. so on...

It's just which one is the best in the field. They all claim to be the best
A loader is a loader, as long as it can keep up with your marker without causing to much pressure on the balls when feeding, thats all you can ask. Vlocity doesnt have many jamming problems that I have heard of.

But it really depends what player you are, Pinokio will be horrible if your a front player, Halo or reloader would suite well, Its hard to say. I love my Rotor but alot of people have problems with them. Its best to get yourself down to a walkon and try one out yourself.

I am selling a Halo V35 in clear (so the enemys can see you ran outa paint :p) in my sale thread but its totally up to you. Make your own opinion every time.

Tricky Dicky

May 9, 2008
Vlocity-light,small profile,continual push on the balls, some eat batteriaes quite fast tho,upgradeable chips

Halob, relaoders-somewhat heavier than most hoppers, effective on batteries, customization with aftermarket parts, magna kit upgrade, sound activated

Pinokio-very light, fantastic on batteries especially rechargebles, small membrane senses balls,interchangeable ball capacity,looks big, but profile isn't actually that big when on gun

Rotor-low profile, great on batteries, light, constant push on the ball stack

What I've experienced with loaders I've used/tried.

I'm currently using a pinokio, and have never had any bother with it at all, fantastic feed rate and so light as stated, never had a jam either :D also I knw tht quite a few people use the nose for the 400 capacity in scenario, as it doesn't altar your profile that much, and the capacity is fantastic, especially for a scenario player.

My. 2p ;)


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2008
Sm5 2lw
Thats quite a statement dude :) What's up with them?
Out of the thousands DYE have sold we have only had small handfull of problems come back to us here, mostly due to very soft paintballs.
Sorry fella didnt mean to offend, I am just stating... I LOVE IT, but it can never be the best because other people have problems with them, whether they dont like the look, weight, what ever.


Bristol Effect
Oct 28, 2004
South Wales
Well its all down to personal preference atm i got a Vlocity with a gangster chip, Reloader B with suicide shells and a Dye rotor. i used my rotor on sunday and fair play i had no problems at all. my vlocity was always trusty until the batterys die on you with out warning. the rotor is alot smaller than all of them and the easy to strip and easy to unjam is amazing but at the end of the day its up to you