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Shouldn't there be a test?


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
If this is the Brainy section, how do Mods police the plebs?

I mean, even some of the thread-topics are dumb. Its like dumb people trying to think of interesting topics for discussion, purely to enlighten themselves or make themselves look less dumb....

I mean, the clever ones are here too, and thats cool, but shouldn't there be a test, or a rule whereby if you demonstrate a certain degree of dumb this section becomes off-limits somehow? can you be banned from just the Brain-box, yet allowed to post in the other sections?
Perhaps posting rights should be requested, and then policed/granted by the mods, who can judge whether that person is smart/informed enough to be a useful and active member of the brain-box?

I like the new section because of the lack of dumb, but surely it can't last, and some of the threads are getting a little, well, desperate. Some may argue it went downhill when I discovered it, but of course those are the same people I'm complaining about....dummies...


Dec 3, 2007
I like the idea, but how would it be done? Just general first impressions from the mods or did you have a sort of test in mind?


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
I like the idea, but how would it be done? Just general first impressions from the mods or did you have a sort of test in mind?
It could be a combo.
If they look dumb, make them take the test.
If they don't look dumb they could be given the BOTD (benefit of the doubt). Polls could go up weekly, and the brainy people can nominate posters who they suspect may be dumb-asses to take the test for reasons such as poor spelling/grammar, ignorance, jokes that aren't funny or clever, brown-nosing, not knowing obvious 'stuff', inane questions, claiming to be dyslexic, etc.

Everyone votes, and the poster with the most votes takes the test.
He passes - Its all cool - must have just had a bad week/problem with keyboard.
He fails, he's out, cut from the Brainbox, but the good news is that he can still read other more intelligent peoples posts, and contribute in the other sections.

I think anything more than that might be considered elitest.


I Would
Dec 6, 2004
We did initially keep tabs on the threads posted in here ,we may have been a little lax recently and some have slipped the net.

Some ideas for criteria .

Anyone who starts a sentence with "what we done" is banned from posting.

Anyone studying psychology is banned from posting

Anyone studying politics is banned from posting.

Anyone who may of been on Springer for the '92 episode 'Crackers Rappers and Pop Tarts' is...to be decided.


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
For sure, I'm all for free speech too Chuckwood, and no mistake.
I also like things to 'earn their rep'. If its a 'Brain-box', and decribed eloquently as a bespoke area of the forum for deeper, more considered conversation and opinion, then I believe it should live up to that title, or the title should be changed.

Now, if no-one agreed with me on this, I would still be content that I exercised my right to free speech and stated my opinion, just as you have.

ps. I would like to nominate chuckwood to take the test.