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woodsball manifesto. Tyger ....Comment

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I Would
Dec 6, 2004
I enjoy playing woods when i get a chance ,it's good fun (which is the point for a helluva lot of people), I dont rate it as a skillfull way to play but there you go thats just my opinion right or wrong ,however I will never understand nor want to understand the wannabe soldiers with there fake AK's, thats for Airsofters if you want to play soldier..Join the Terrie's ..the quicker that can be dis-associated from paintball the better

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
That sir is what is wrong with people like yorself, you say you are not insulting woodsball yet calling i inferior is quite obviously an attack on woodsball , you wouldnt go up to an olimpic athelete and say his sport is inferior to football, then state it is no insulting.
p.s. how Tyger is bitter I wll never know and he has no illusions of his aility as he has stated many times.
p.p.s. Woosballers don't use 50foot sniper barrels that wouldbe mil simmers andthey deserve respect to. :D
Speak you brains so use that grey matterbetween your ears please before posting about the wrong section of th ssport :D
Saying something is inferior is not an insult per se.
If you compare a Yugo to a Ferrari, the Yugo is clearly inferior, but it's no insult to the Yugo. It was not designed to be equal to the Ferrari. Same applies here me thinks.


bite me
May 21, 2006
As far away from you as possible
Oh my, if I ever did have occasion go up to an Olympic athlete I think I might know how to spell it first.
Anyways, I'm afraid you can't just go and say 'you are wrong', leastwise on this forum, without substantiating your opinion.
And thus, I await not only your rationale but also your credentials...and while I am waiting I will use a phrase I have oft mentioned in situations like these that seems wholly applicable when I look over your posts :-

'Don't turn up to a gunfight with a knife' or in your case, a stick of rhubarb.

And by the way, what did make me smile about your post, apart from the glaring lack of sophistication, was when you mispelled 'woodsballers' and put 'woosballers'.....oh my...he shoots he scores...but this time phillips, an own goal methinks ...go play some more woosball, it suits ya :)
You complain about my obviouse lack of spelling tallent yet fail to spell often correctly or as you so elequently put it "oft".
Anyway personal levels of abaility in spelling, vocabulary and
punctuation have little to do with the thread at hand.
You fail to reply with a competent argument, it i smore of a stalling tactic. I do not need to show you my credentials because I feel no need to justify myself to you.
I also really really do love the fact that you call Tyger bitter, when he clearly isn't. If he is, as you say bitter, then why oh why oh why would he promote speedball aswell as woodsball , and to some extent, mil sim and scenario play?
If he is so bitter that he couldn't make it as a professional then why , in numerouse videos and interviews does he state he was never , or will ever play at that level?. Also one point I would like to bring up is that you say sup air takes a wider veriety of skills to perform well. This however is defiantly not rue as I know speedballers that play woodsball, they can use every set skill in speedball to some extend in the woods but also have to implement other aspects of the game to play well against , not the expert but the well played woodsballer.
p.s. Buddha I am only guessing, although the way he stated it, and his entire attitude towards woods suggest it was ment as an insult, and woodsball was designed to be equil to anything, because it was the original source of paintball and the paintball heretage.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
You complain about my obviouse lack of spelling tallent yet fail to spell often correctly or as you so elequently put it "oft".
Anyway personal levels of abaility in spelling, vocabulary and
punctuation have little to do with the thread at hand.
You fail to reply with a competent argument, it i smore of a stalling tactic. I do not need to show you my credentials because I feel no need to justify myself to you.
I also really really do love the fact that you call Tyger bitter, when he clearly isn't. If he is, as you say bitter, then why oh why oh why would he promote speedball aswell as woodsball , and to some extent, mil sim and scenario play?
If he is so bitter that he couldn't make it as a professional then why , in numerouse videos and interviews does he state he was never , or will ever play at that level?. Also one point I would like to bring up is that you say sup air takes a wider veriety of skills to perform well. This however is defiantly not rue as I know speedballers that play woodsball, they can use every set skill in speedball to some extend in the woods but also have to implement other aspects of the game to play well against , not the expert but the well played woodsballer.
p.s. Buddha I am only guessing, although the way he stated it, and his entire attitude towards woods suggest it was ment as an insult, and woodsball was designed to be equil to anything, because it was the original source of paintball and the paintball heretage.

Oh my, u really are stupid aren't you, if you look in the dictionary, you will find 'oft' as a literal derivative of often but then you wouldn't know that would you.
I mean, that's how stupid people are....
I rest my case, thankyou for proving it for me.

I can't bring myself to even think about answering another of your posts, I seriously doubt you could succesfully debate with a 9 year old.....now..run along...


bite me
May 21, 2006
As far away from you as possible
It is funny how you miss out salient information in your petty attempt at a reply because you feel like dodging the subject with vocabulary of a high standard will somehow make you seem intelligent?
You can flame me all you want but kindly answer the thread and by the way what is your real name as Tyger says he has never herd of anyone called Robbo in paintball related terms.( PM if possible)
If you wanted to be dragged into a litterary war, then I would kindly ablidge as I am far from stupid or neandertholic, I just lack spelling skills. Your replied post is about as much use as a condom machine in the Vatican.
Please stay on topic :D


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
It is funny how you miss out salient information in your petty attempt at a reply because you feel like dodging the subject with vocabulary of a high standard will somehow make you seem intelligent?
You can flame me all you want but kindly answer the thread and by the way what is your real name as Tyger says he has never herd of anyone called Robbo in paintball related terms.( PM if possible)
If you wanted to be dragged into a litterary war, then I would kindly ablidge as I am far from stupid or neandertholic, I just lack spelling skills. Your replied post is about as much use as a condom machine in the Vatican.
Please stay on topic :D

phillips, I'm afraid you lack a lot more than spelling skills......I can't continue, sorry, I just can't..
Please...someone else take over, I am gonna go stick pins through my eyelids :rolleyes:

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
You complain about my obviouse lack of spelling tallent yet fail to spell often correctly or as you so elequently put it "oft".
Anyway personal levels of abaility in spelling, vocabulary and
punctuation have little to do with the thread at hand.
You fail to reply with a competent argument, it i smore of a stalling tactic. I do not need to show you my credentials because I feel no need to justify myself to you.
I also really really do love the fact that you call Tyger bitter, when he clearly isn't. If he is, as you say bitter, then why oh why oh why would he promote speedball aswell as woodsball , and to some extent, mil sim and scenario play?
If he is so bitter that he couldn't make it as a professional then why , in numerouse videos and interviews does he state he was never , or will ever play at that level?. Also one point I would like to bring up is that you say sup air takes a wider veriety of skills to perform well. This however is defiantly not rue as I know speedballers that play woodsball, they can use every set skill in speedball to some extend in the woods but also have to implement other aspects of the game to play well against , not the expert but the well played woodsballer.
I think you will find that most of the "old skool" posters on these forums will be very familiar with "Tyger" Rubin, and that Pete knows him even better than most. Tyger used to write for PGI, don't forget that.
If you look at many of Tyger's posts, you will see that he is often derogatory towards tournament paintball, going so far as to state that he could form a team of rec-ballers that would be able to give all pro teams a run for their money. A bold statement to say the least.

I don't think that Pete has been slagging off woodsball. Hell, if you read the UK disgrace thread, you will find that he even advocates the creation of more sites where people can play that form of paintball, in the hopes that some of these players will also make the step to tournament style ball (which often happens).

p.s. Buddha I am only guessing, although the way he stated it, and his entire attitude towards woods suggest it was ment as an insult, and woodsball was designed to be equil to anything, because it was the original source of paintball and the paintball heretage.
So what it's the original source? If that's the reasoning, we should all be Amish and still drive horsecarts.
The reason paintball started out in the woods is simple. It's a location far away from prying eyes, and less risk of shooting people in the head that are not playing. Plus the trees provide instant cover, so no need to build anything. Just show up, and play...

However, history has also proven that that form of paintball needed boosts, as most woodsball sites have added different kinds of cover, like buildings and whatnot.

But for anyone with any sort of understanding of training, it's as clear as can be that Sup'Air ball provides a far steeper learning curve than a game in the forests...


bite me
May 21, 2006
As far away from you as possible
It is laughable to say that woodball is inferiour, and the source for that information is where paintball began, it is not because it was out of the way . It i sbecause paintball markers used to be used for marking trees for felling. ( the origin of the sport.)
I think your simily of woodsbal and sup air to horse,cart and car are totally out of context. If we say that paintball is a sport, then look at most sports the only one I can think of that has changed ( and mainly because of the legistics) is football, switching settings but not rules( few tweaked for fairness).
Ice skating, still doen on ice and hasnt changed apart from scoring system, yet again for the purposes of fairness. Then we can move onto something like Tennis that apart from equipment changes hasnt changed one bit ( well a generalisation but a fair one I feel.)
Bowls is a classic of this.
Any way , yes I did not forget he wrote for PGI, and his threads definatly puzzle me then as clearly he enjoys speedball and is far from derogative to the sport, you woudl know this jus tby watching his videos, or simply by interaction with him on special ops forums, he even does one of his most famouse tests( the barrel accuracy test) in an indoor speedball field.
Also I would not classify those field you speak of as pure woodsball, if you are taling castle buildings ect, this is definatly scenarioball witch should have equil respect.
P.s. Please go stick pins into your eyes, it would please me to know you did it for me.
P.p.s. Steeper learning curves do not mean the sport is necesserily harder or inferior. The learning curve for bowls is extremely easy, yet if you tried to reach the top you would find it impossible to be consistent and as accurate as the professionals.
Football learning curve is comparitivly hard, yet there are far more professional football players, this is not jus tbecause the sport is mor epopular as I am sure you are aware bowls is played around the world.


New Member
Apr 30, 2005
Visit site
the only way i could see 90% of all ballers playing in woods is if you count all the ppl who once played at a site, even then i think it would be higher. All the regulars we get down our site all play on the supa air.

Never been to a woodsball tourney, but have seen plenty of 'woodsballers' turn up on a punter day and proceed to ramp on some poor sod holding an inferno. Thats a wonderful experience for their first time balling. No wonder ppl don't get into the sport...

if we go into the woods i use a mag, or a site gun. even then i still find it easy. A pump makes it more fun, but for a real challenge i take the mag onto a supa air field. Goggle someone with a mag while they're ramping? 'Ave it!!
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