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UKM results??


I <3 Cheating!
Sep 3, 2006
Nr lincoln
by the way carnt wait till the pictures are up i bet there is some good ones i wonder if dan is putting them up now lol :D


CPPS Referee 4 Life.
Feb 14, 2007
Rugeley, Staffordshire
This is just getting plain ridiculous

What you should be doin, is thinking about the next time you are on the fields, with these referees that you are slagging off !! :rolleyes:

Train harder to become better SO you wont make mistakes, then blame somebody else for it !!!

Our last game against the reapers, is the game in question, about the FLAG hanger, who has an obvious HIT on his left leg.
Also, one of the major bunkers, a COKE CAN, had come off its pegs, and was more or less floating around the field.

Personally, I thought the reffing was up to the mark. ! Well done folks.

See you all @ Ancaster

Stu.... AKA ............Weeble :cool:
stu .. you might wanna check yer caps lock and bold settings for the forums. they seem to get stuck on every once in a while :eek:


FunKy-a$$ FleA Ba$$isT
Mar 20, 2003
Visit site
Having been forced into reffing at Campaign '06 by Icon to secure a CPL spot, I can say that this weekend was a nightmare in comparison. In the Millennium there are more uniformed lanes etc. etc. and you can work around them. Seriously, when there are folk just spraying literally everywhere it's a nightmare. Standing right against the netting on field one I was shot three times in the side of the head by the back right....how the hell did he manage that!?? I even had some dumbass shoot me a few times in the face when he was trying to sort out his loader....saw the barrel pointed at me, thought 'nah...he aint that stup-[bam bam bam]'.

...and don't get me started on the hits I took by empty-bunker mugging heroes....

Not actually having a go at anyone, because it was quite funny, but I think it's safe to say I'm never stepping onto a field unarmed....it's just not natural...

We reffed the field pretty damn good, and if you're doing it well, you shouldn't need to be running around the field like a mad man.....and I ain't doing it for piece of mind when wannabe Jeremy Salms are looking down the cross-hairs!

And to the guy who told me face to face that I'm a **** ref, a dickhead and an idiot (for giving him a 141...i think i know the rules, dude) ....I know who you are, and I'll see you on the field next time, but i'll have an Ego, and a diminished sense of mercy....;)



Jon C

Do you play with balls?
Feb 1, 2005
Whore house
lads give the refs a break, i watched a hell of a lot of ball on sunday compared to being stuck on a field reffing, and while the majority of you were watching the games i wernt its boring pretty much i was actually watching the reffing. And for the crap you guys give them they worked their collective arses off all day. Yeah i saw a couple of bad calls but hey we all make mistakes, ive done it in the past and no doubt ill do it in the future.

its not an easy job reffing, its not done in most cases for the money (when i ref i could go to work and earn at least double) let along paying petrol hotel bills and all the other stuff.

I was impressed with every single ref that was out there on the whole no one stood out as crap as some of you are saying.

ive reffed with matt, eddy, j-doe and fish on a couple of occasions now and tbh i think their the dogs, consistant calls know the rules inside and out know when to make the calls, and never stop working fish is an animal when it comes to cleaning barricades. I can remember i think it was lst year matt 3-4-1'd a guy for wiping he was having none of it yet the paint was still smeared on him.
Cheers to Matt (think it was matt) on field one who i gave my allan keys to near the end of the day and forgot to get them back, he left them on the chrono table. Muchly apprecited.

And to all the moaning idiots that pretty much dont have a clue of the rules or you wouldnt be bitching like 12 year old girls if you ever fancying having a go at reffing come see me at a ukm event and ill quite happily put you on my field, stood next to me in the snake and see how long you last when you have people shooting at you as they think the player is stood directly underneath you, how stupid do they think we are (balf and pid dont even open your mouths :D)

give the guys a break as you keep bitching and they wont be back, they dont come back you get worse refs.

just out of curiosity who were the div1 players in div 4 i cant remember seeing many, 1 that i can recall not exactly something to shout about.


Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
..........And to the guy who told me face to face that I'm a **** ref, a dickhead and an idiot (for giving him a 141...i think i know the rules, dude) ....I know who you are, and I'll see you on the field next time, but i'll have an Ego, and a diminished sense of mercy....;)


Who the 'ell opened a can of whoopass

Can just see it Fi$h, flying down the field elimimating everyone on the field one by one, just to bunker the last player with a little extra loving.
Trying to think of a player on the day that has more tournament playing experience than Fi$h :eek:

Someone help me out cause I can't think of one. ;);)


Active Member
Jul 3, 2007
just out of curiosity who were the div1 players in div 4 i cant remember seeing many, 1 that i can recall not exactly something to shout about.

I never said it mattered too much bud so you took it the wrong way! I know under certain circumstances it has to be done if a team member short but if more than one no one learns anything.
