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staining paint...again


Active Member
My wife has some PINK stains on her t-shirt she was wearing to spectate at H-gate. It has been washed a couple of times. We can all winge about the paint but its not going to stop us playing. However if spectators and 3rd parties are having to replace there clothes it is damaging to the sport.

I know there is debate about which paintS are responsible but 95% of it seams to be PINK.

SO LETS JUST BAN / REFUSE TO PLAY WITH AGAINST PINK PAINT !!!!!!!! OF ANY BRAND !!!!!!! And there endeth (or at least reducing) the problem !


New cut and carved spine!
Oct 25, 2002
Pink paint

Originally posted by Buns of steel
Jose, all paint manufactures could and I beleive have at sometime produced staining paints. And the reason why is because we the players wanted them. In an effort to provide us with the best shooting, best marking and least easiest to wipe paint they have tried everything. It is in this effort to please us, the players that they have put certain ingredients in the paint that stain.
The other problem with staining paint is the damage it does to the areas we play in, if we want to play in the big stadiums we need to respect them.
Ronnie may be wrong to mention any paint by name but he and I are in a much better position to have a view on the matter as we both run sites and test paint all the time for all sorts of problems.

It's not the colour of paint that stains it's the ingredients in the mix that stain.

If you think we have an ulterior motive with this thread then fine
but surely all views posted here aren't all from one team or one group of sponsored teams, so there must be something p***ing people off.:(
Re-read my posts, alos read my posts on fair testing on the time to ban pink paint thread................. I'm just warning against one person blaming a single manufacturer for the whole problem and I'd like a definitive answer on which paint is causing it (I know of 2)......
Ronnie states that the staining paint at the moment is ZAP......so there ya go.........end of debate, problem solved.
But it's not is it.
I never accused anyone of ulterior motives........ but it's easy to make an assumption and come up with a fact..............but where's the proof? anecdotal evidence isn't worth the paper it's written on :)
So again....... I'm not accusing anyone........I don't have the evidence. Zap may be staining in some situations...... probably is, I know of two others that have too...........so maybe it's a common constituent.......anyone doing anything positive to find out?
Unfortunately wasn't at simply the best so I can't say what brands of Zap were in use. I can, however, give you our experiences as a Zap sponsored team.
Our choice of ball varies from tournament to tournament so over time we try about every brand going.All the paint we have left at the end of a tournament is used up in training.
To get to my point, K2's shirts have very large areas of white and are showing no signs of discolouration and believe me Al and Lathams don't see a machine for weeks between washes:)
This may seem biast but as I said this is my personal experience and I'm not looking for extra brownie points - I'm hoping we don't need them:D


Buns of steel

Coach & Banker!!!!!!
Jul 22, 2003
Visit site
Originally posted by JohnJ
Unfortunately wasn't at simply the best so I can't say what brands of Zap were in use. I can, however, give you our experiences as a Zap sponsored team.
Our choice of ball varies from tournament to tournament so over time we try about every brand going.All the paint we have left at the end of a tournament is used up in training.
To get to my point, K2's shirts have very large areas of white and are showing no signs of discolouration and believe me Al and Lathams don't see a machine for weeks between washes:)
This may seem biast but as I said this is my personal experience and I'm not looking for extra brownie points - I'm hoping we don't need them:D

JJ, maybe you haven't trained with the paint you used on Sunday then, because two of our guys that played you in the Draxxus factory team came off with Pink paint stained on their lenses. Now if you weren't firing pink, which I can't say for sure you were then it must have come of the barricades but something someone is firing is doing it and I know it's not me!!!


big big titties
i have been shot with basically every make of paint:rolleyes: and i do not have one stain anywhere on all my kit. i wash all my kit at 30C with some of those tablet thingys and its fine. i think what were looking at here, is different batches, some zap stains, some doesnt, some severe does, some doesnt, some hellfire does, some doesnt, they can never make a same batch twice so its all different, it could be the conditions it kept it, maybe the dye seperated out, there are so many different ways the paint could stain that you simply cant say ban pink paint, or ban *insert paint brand here*

my 2p

p.s. im not supported my any paint company:)